
jsdoc template created for smx framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smxJsdocTemplate from '';


SMX template for JSDoc 3


Install the template using NPM:

npm install smx-jsdoc-template --save-dev


If you already have JSDoc system, you can use this project as JSDoc template. More information about JSDoc command-line arguments can be found here.

jsdoc -c conf.json -R


Customize your docs output under the templates object in your jsdoc conf.json. Notice the "template" field for setting the path to smx-jsdoc-template.

There are also two additional objects for customizing the content on the sidebar navigation menu. NavSections determines wich section the menu will show, and navRecursion resolve tree item contents by kind. Only first level items are initially visible, but using the serach form will reveal them if the search matches the items' names.

Bonus tip. The template has some keyboard shortcuts, the s key will focus the search input and ESC will clear the search.

"templates": {
    "applicationName": "Demo",
    "disqus": "",
    "googleAnalytics": "",
    "openGraph": {
        "title": "",
        "type": "website",
        "image": "",
        "site_name": "",
        "url": ""
    "meta": {
        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "keyword": ""
    "linenums": true,
    "source": {
        "include": [
        "includePattern": ".+\\.js(doc)?quot;,
        "excludePattern": "(^|\\/|\\\\)_"
    "opts": {
        "encoding": "utf8",
        "recurse": true,
        "private": false,
        "lenient": true,
        "destination": "./docs",
        "template": "./node_modules/smx-jsdoc-template"
    "navRecursion": {
      "global": ["module", "class", "mixin", "member", "function", "event", "typedef"],
      "namespace": ["member", "function", "event", "typedef"],
      "module": ["module", "class", "mixin", "member", "function", "event", "typedef"],
      "class": ["member", "function", "event", "typedef"],
      "mixin": ["member", "function", "event", "typedef"]
        "id": "index",
        "title": "Home"
        "id": "tutorials",
        "title": "Tutorials"
        "id": "namespaces",
        "title": "Namespaces"
        "id": "classes",
        "title": "Classes"
        "id": "modules",
        "title": "Modules"
        "id": "globals",
        "title": "Global"


This project is under the MIT License. And this project was inspired by by default template for JSDoc 3 and docdash.