function getParams(req, func)
Parameter | Type | Description
req | JSON | HTTP request object containing HTTP parameters
func | function | JavaScript function (example below)
Example of func parameter:
function getParams(source, target) {
if (source) {
if (source.id && !target.id) {
target.id = source.id;
if (source.name && !target.name) {
target.name = source.name;
return target;
function handleError(error, res)
Parameter | Type | Description
error | JSON | JSON error object (format below)
res | JSON | HTTP response object
Format of JSON error parameter:
"error": [{}],
"status": [123]
Above JSON explained:
Parameter | Type | Description
error | JSON | The JSON object of the error thrown
status | INT | (Optional) HTTP status code to be used if the status in error is not specified
Example of above JSON error:
"error": {
"errors": [
"error": "invalid input syntax for uuid: \"3334c105-f842-98e7-603a\""
"name": "error",
"length": 118,
"severity": "ERROR",
"code": "22P02",
"detail": "undefined",
"hint": "undefined",
"position": "undefined",
"internalPosition": "undefined",
"internalQuery": "undefined",
"where": "undefined",
"schema": "undefined",
"table": "undefined",
"column": "undefined",
"dataType": "undefined",
"constraint": "undefined",
"file": "uuid.c",
"line": "129",
"routine": "string_to_uuid"
function handleSuccess(success, res)
Parameter | Type | Description
success | JSON | JSON success object (format below)
res | JSON | HTTP response object
Format of JSON success parameter:
"success": {
"status": [123],
"message": ["abc"],
"data": {}
"status": [123]
Above JSON explained:
Parameter | Type | Description
success->status | INT | (Optional) HTTP status code
success->message | TEXT | Description of status
success->data | JSON | (Optional) Metadata
status | INT | (Optional) HTTP status code to be used if the status in success is not specified
function handleContentTypeJSON(param, res)
Parameter | Type | Description
param | JSON | JSON param object (format below)
res | JSON | HTTP response object
Format of JSON param parameter:
"contentType": ["abc"]
Above JSON explained:
Parameter | Type | Description
contentType | TEXT | The content type of the request to be validated
function createUUID(data)
Parameter | Type | Description
data | ANYTHING | (Optional)
function getLocalTimestampString()