
CLI plugin for Snakeskin.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snakeskinCli from '';



CLI plugin for Snakeskin.

NPM version Build Status NPM dependencies NPM devDependencies


npm install snakeskin-cli --global


snakeskin [options] [dir|file ...]


-h, --help
-V, --version

-s, --source [src]          path to a template file or a template directory
-p, --params [config]       object with compile parameters or a path to a config file
-o, --output [src]          path to the output file
-w, --watch                 watch files for changes and automatically recompile

-m, --mask [mask]           mask for template files (RegExp)
--extname [ext]             file extension for output files (if "output" is a directory)
-f, --file [src]            path to a template file (meta information for the debugger)

-a, --adapter [name]        name of an adaptor, for example: ss2react or ss2vue
--adapterOptions [config]   object with adaptor parameters or a path to a config file
-e, --exec                  execute compiled templates
-d, --data [src]            data object for execution or a path to a data file
-t, --tpl [name]            name of the main template


  • If --output is a folder, then the result will be saved by the path:
--output/%file%(--extname || --exec ? '.html' : '.js')
  • Parameters --params language and --params words can be declaring as path to a file.
  • If --params language is a folder, then a file will be searched by the path:
%fileDir%/%fileName%('.js' || '.json')
  • With parameters --params language and --output can be used special placeholders:
  1. %fileDir% — directory name of the source file (absolute path);
  2. %fileName% — name of the source file without extension;
  3. %file% — name the source file with extension;
  4. %filePath% — full path to the source file.


Compiling a text and output to stdout

snakeskin '{template foo()}hello world{/}'


echo '{template foo()}hello world{/}' | snakeskin

Compiling a file with some SS parameters and output to stdout

snakeskin -p prettyPrint:true,tolerateWhitespaces:true

Compiling a folder and save to an another folder by the specified mask

snakeskin ./templates -m '\\.main\\.ss

 -o ./compile


The MIT License.