
keep subsets of data collections without needing to modify the data itself

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snapCollect from '';


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Keep subsets of data collections without needing to modify the data itself. In this way you do not have set contextual properties (like: selected, isCurrent) on your object and risk these properties end up in the database.

The keys for internal reference are converted to strings and no falsy keys are stored. When making subsets, values are JSON.stringified before comparison. All is aimed at working with simple objects literals.

None of the methods change the data or the input: the module has no side effects


Install the package as npm package. Provided are a umd-formatted file in the dist folder to require or to just load

<script src="../../node_modules/dist/snapCollect.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>

and an es-module in the module folder to import

import { snapCollect } from 'snap-collect'


Just call the function with the unique identifier of the objects to get a ready-to-use object

const myCollection = snapCollect('id')

add objects to the snapCollection and use these in your script

record1 = {id: 7324324658, a: 'a'}
records = [{id: 4535436507, a: 'b'}, {id: 5934526798, a: 'c'}]

// core methods
myRecord = myCollection.get(5665523009)
myBoolean = myCollection.has(4392432645)
myCount = myCollection.length
myCollection.set(7324324658, record1)

// maintenance methods
add clear cross drop hold toggle
myRecords = myCollection.add(record1, record2, ...records)
myRecords = myCollection.cross(records)
myRecords = myCollection.drop({property: 'redundant', feature: 'useless'})
myRecords = myCollection.hold({property: 'essential', feature: 'needed'})
myRecords = myCollection.toggle(recordX)

// yielding methods (not changing the collection)
myKeysAndValues = myCollection.entries()
myIdentifiers = myCollection.keys()
myRecords = myCollection.values()
mySortedRecords = myCollection.sort('major', 'minor')
mySubset = myCollection.where({property: 'essential', feature: 'useless'})
myUniqueRecords = myCollection.combination(otherRecords)
myPagedRecords = myCollection.intersection(pagedRecords)

and more: see API description