
Canvas where everything is snapped to nearest pixel

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snappyCanvas from '';


SnappyCanvas - Canvas where everything is snapped to nearest pixel

Travis CI NPM Version License Greenkeeper badge

Snappy canvas is an HTML5 canvas that provides a "snappy" 2D context with an API similar to the standard 2D context but where everything is approximated to the nearest pixel: no more blurry drawings!

Snappy Context 2D vs Standard Context 2D

var canvas = new SnappyCanvas({
    width: 300,
    height: 300

var ctx = canvas.getContext("snappy");

ctx.strokeRect(10, 10, 50, 50);
ctx.fillRect(70, 10, 50, 50);

ctx.arc(35, 95, 25, Math.PI, 2.5 * Math.PI);

ctx.moveTo(70, 95);
ctx.arcTo(120, 95, 120, 120, 25);


SnappyCanvas API


var canvas = new SnappyCanvas([options={}]) -> HTMLCanvasElement
  • options: Object -- The SnappyCanvas and SnappyContext2D options.
    // SnappyCanvas options
    width: <Number>,               // Width of the canvas HTML element
    height: <Number>,              // Height of the canvas HTML element
    contentWidth: <Number>,        // Width of the drawing at scale 1 (useful when autoResize = true)
    contentHeight: <Number>,       // Height of the drawing at scale 1 (useful when autoResize = true)

    // SnappyContext2D options
    globalScale: <Number>,         // Initial scale of the snappy context (default 1)
    globalTranslationX: <Number>,  // Initial x translation of the snappy context (default 0)
    globalTranslationY: <Number>,  // Initial y translation of the snappy context (default 0)
    scaleLineWidth: <Boolean>,     // If true, the snappy context will scale the line width according to scale (default true)
    scaleDashesWidth: <Boolean>,   // If true, the snappy context will scale the with of the dashes of dashed line according to scale (default true)
    autoResizeCanvas: <Boolean>    // Allow canvas to be resized when `SnappyContext2D.globalScale` changes

NOTE: The constructor returns a standard HTMLCanvasElement augmented with some additional properties.


canvas.getContext(contextType [, contextAttributes]) -> SnappyContext2D

Same as the standard HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() but with an additional contextType: "snappy".


var ctx = canvas.getContext("snappy");


canvas.contentWidth = <Number>

Width of the drawing at scale 1 (useful when autoResize enabled).


canvas.contentHeight = <Number>

Height of the drawing at scale 1 (useful when autoResize enabled).


SnappyContext2D provides most of the standard CanvasRenderingContext2D and works almost the same.

The main differences between the standard context 2D and the snappy context 2D are:

  • the snappy context 2D does not draw anything when you call a drawing operation: it just stacks the operations and draws everything when you call the render() method.
  • you can change the global scale and translation of the snappy context at any time and everything will be automatically redrawn according to the new parameters (no need to repeat the operations yourself).

To access the snappy context, just request it from a SnappyCanvas:

var canvas = new SnappyCanvas();
var ctx = canvas.getContext("snappy");


ctx.globalTranslationX = <Number>

The global translation of the canvas (offset x).

NOTE: The canvas is automatically updated when this value is changed.


ctx.globalTranslationY = <Number>

The global translation of the canvas (offset y).

NOTE: The canvas is automatically updated when this value is changed.


ctx.globalScale = <Number>

The global scale of the canvas.

NOTE: The canvas is automatically updated when this value is changed.


ctx.scaleLineWidth = <Boolean>

Determines if the line width is scaled (true, default) or if it keeps the same thickness at each scale (false).

NOTE: The canvas is automatically updated when this value is changed.


ctx.scaleDashesWidth = <Boolean>

Determines if the width of the dashes of dashed lines are scaled (true, default) or if they keep the same width at each scale (false).

NOTE: The canvas is automatically updated when this value is changed.



Sets multiple options in one round.

  • options: Object -- The SnappyContext2D options.
    globalScale: <Number>,         // Initial scale of the snappy context (default 1)
    globalTranslationX: <Number>,  // Initial x translation of the snappy context (default 0)
    globalTranslationY: <Number>,  // Initial y translation of the snappy context (default 0)
    scaleLineWidth: <Boolean>,     // If true, the snappy context will scale the line width according to scale (default true)
    autoResizeCanvas: <Boolean>    // Allow canvas to be resized when `SnappyContext2D.globalScale` changes

NOTE: The canvas is automatically updated when this value is changed.



Clears the canvas and empties the drawing operation stack. Must be used as replacement of ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)) to clear the canvas.



(Re)paints all the drawings.

CanvasRenderingContext2D supported operations

Note that the support of the following operations does not only depend on SnappyCanvas but also depends on the Browser implementation of the canvas.

You can find the documentation related to all those operation on MDN: CanvasRenderingContext2D.

Drawing rectangles

  • clearRect()
  • fillRect()
  • strokeRect()

Drawing text

  • fillText()
  • strokeText()
  • measureText()

Line style

  • lineWidth
  • lineCap
  • lineJoin
  • miterLimit
  • getLineDash()
  • setLineDash()
  • lineDashOffset

Text styles

  • font
  • textAlign
  • textBaseline
  • direction

Fill and stroke styles

  • fillStyle
  • strokeStyle

Gradients and patterns

  • createLinearGradient() TODO
  • createRadialGradient() TODO
  • createPattern() TODO


  • shadowBlur TODO
  • shadowColor
  • shadowOffsetX TODO
  • shadowOffsetY TODO


  • beginPath()
  • closePath()
  • moveTo()
  • lineTo()
  • bezierCurveTo()
  • quadraticCurveTo()
  • arc()
  • arcTo()
  • ellipse()
  • rect()

Drawing paths

  • fill()
  • stroke()
  • drawFocusIfNeeded() TODO
  • scrollPathIntoView() TODO
  • clip() TODO
  • isPointInPath() TODO
  • isPointInStroke() TODO


  • currentTransform NOT SUPPORTED
  • scale() NOT SUPPORTED
  • translate()
  • transform() NOT SUPPORTED
  • resetTransform() NOT SUPPORTED


  • globalAlpha
  • globalCompositeOperation

Drawing images

  • drawImage()

Pixel manipulation

  • createImageData() NOT SUPPORTED
  • getImageData() NOT SUPPORTED
  • putImageData() NOT SUPPORTED

Image smoothing

  • imageSmoothingEnabled

The canvas state

  • save()
  • restore()

Hit regions

  • addHitRegion() TODO
  • removeHitRegion() TODO
  • clearHitRegion() TODO


  • 0.5.1: prevent line-width to be 0 (#16)
  • 0.5.0:
    • Adds a new option to enable / disable the scale og the dashes width
    • Updates uglify-js to 3.0.0
  • 0.4.1: Updates Browserify to 14.0.0
  • 0.4.0: Context2D: ellipse() support implemented
  • 0.3.0:
    • Context2D: getLineDash(), setLineDash() and lineDashOffset support implemented
    • Fixes miss behavior when using translation in path operations (#1)