This is a simple wrapper for the SNCF (French National Railways Company) API. -> for more info on the API itself
Getting started
Terminal : install from npm
npm install sncf-api
// import the wrapper
var SncfApi = require("sncf-api");
// set credentials
// create a request with req(), fill it (here with the listNetworks instructions), when your request is good, use build() then execute()
SncfApi.req().listNetworks().build().execute(function(err, resp){
// err is null if everything went good
Chained instructions
// to list arrivals in a given networks
SncfApi.req().withNetwork('given-network-id').listArrivals().build().execute(function(err, resp){
// err is null if everything went good
You can chain every type of the following list :
- Networks
- Lines
- Routes
- StopPoints
- StopAreas
- Departures
- Arrivals
- CommercialModes
- PhysicalModes
- Companies
- Places
- PlacesNearby
For every type, you have 2 instructions :
- list
- with
eg : for the Lines type, you can use listLines()
or withLine()