
simple nodejs db

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sndb from '';


sndb is a simple node.js database

it will write your data to a json file

const db = require("sndb")

db.mkdb(__dirname+"/testdb") //will make a database.
//if database is already made it will give a error, catch it.

db.setdata(0,__dirname+"/testdb",'hi') //set data in database (index position, database location , data)
//data: ['hi']

db.dbsize(__dirname+"/testdb")// will give you the size of the array

//set data on the end of array
db.setdata(db.dbsize(__dirname+"/testdb"),__dirname+"/testdb",'hi2')//put in the first the array lengt en it will put th data on the end of the array

//data: ['hi','hi2']

//read data form database
db.readdb(__dirname+"/testdb",0)// output: 'hi'

db.readdb(__dirname+"/testdb",1)// output: 'hi2'

//remove item
db.rm(__dirname+"/testdb",0)// (database , index)

//replace data
db.rm(__dirname+"/testdb",0,'hallo')// (database , index, replace data)


for (i=0;i<db.dbsize(__dirname+"testdb");i++){
//read all data in db