
A JS library to add snow animation to your website!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snowfallzz from '';



Snow.js is a stand alone javascript library that helps "cool down" the web with a beautiful snowfall.


npm i snowfallz -- save


The setup to run snow.js is fairly simple. You will have to create a new instance of Snow, and pass it an element id that you want to encapsulate the snowfall.

<div id="snow"></div>

//import the Snow module
import * as Snow from './node_modules/snowfallz/snow.js'

// Snow script included on the page, already.
window.onload = function () {
    var snow = new Snow.default({
        id: 'snow'

//Can run the snowfall by calling:

There are also optional elements that you can pass to customize the snowfall....


The default theme displays the ordinary white snowflakes. However if you want something more bright then you can use the theme colors.

window.onload = function () {
    var snow = new Snow.default({
        id: 'snow',
        theme: 'colors'

If blue is your favorite color, you can use the theme blues!

There are also the themes: berry, pastel, and purple to help your snowfall be a little more unique.