
Yet another Dummy Text Library... This one uses phrases from Roald Dahl books.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snozzcumber from '';


Snozzcumber Dummy Text Generator

This is yet another dummy text generator. But this one uses phrases from Roald Dahl stories.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

If like me you use a lot of dummy text when building your projects, but hate seeing "Lorem Ipsum" all over your pages, this might be for you. It generates real-looking, fun text drawn from an array of Roald Dahl books.

I realise that this means that there might be some copyright issues here. This was developed as a bit of fun, and certainly not for commercial gain. If you are the copyright holder and want this removing from circulation please contact me and I'll remove it as soon as possible.

The phrases were taken from the following webpages:

Any inaccuracies are theirs and not mine!

To see this in action, please visit

Getting Started

This can be installed using NPM.

npm install --save snozzcumber

Or download it and use it in the browser.

<script src="/your/js/path/snozzcumber/dist/snozzcumber.min.js"></script>

There are no dependencies at runtime, but you will need to run npm install to load the dev dependencies (and run the gulp commands to build/test it).

To use the library, simply create a new Snozzcumber object, and call the various API methods to get access to the data.

// create a new Snozzcumber instance
var snozzcumber = new Snozzcumber;
// return a single phrase (returns a string)
// return a single paragraph (returns a string)
// return 4 paragraphs (returns an array)
// change the number of paragraphs to return (returns an array of paragraphs)
// return the last item generated again (a string or array)
// return the last record as an HTML string



Returns a single phrase from the list at random. The phrase will be added to the output value so that the next call to .toHtml(); will return a HTML version of the phrase.


Returns a single paragraph. A paragraph contains between 1 and 10 phrases selected at random.

The returned paragraph will be added to the output value so that the next call to .toHtml(); will return a HTML version of the paragraph.


Returns an array of n paragraphs. The parameter can be left blank to use the previous value set, or 4 if no value has previously been set.

The returned array will be added to the output value so that the next call to .toHtml(); will return a HTML string version of the array.


Returns a HTML string representation of the last object returned by .phrase(), .paragraph(), or .paragraphs().


A small number of Jasmine tests are in spec/test.js. These can be run with the simple command:
