
A tiny pick-me-app for express-based, stateless, microservices.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snykOompa from '';



A tiny pick-me-app for express-based, stateless, microservices.


Server (Node 6+) require('snyk-oompa')

Client (Node 4+) require('snyk-oompa/client')



The snyk-oompa library draws inspiration from redux in that it handles typed tasks (called actions in redux).

The task types are defined in an object called Application Schema.

The Application Schema

This is an example schema that defines the ADD task, giving it a factory method.

const appSchema = {
  // The factory method accepts the task payload as a parameter,
  // and should return a promise
  ADD: ({x, y}) => Promise.resolve(x + y)

The healthcheck

Every microservice should have a way to express health via HTTP (or so AWS says). This is why the second parameter of the server's constructor should be a method that returns a promise that is resolved when we know all is well, and rejected otherwise.

Server methods

  • new OompaServer(appSchema, healthcheck, middlewares) - the first 2 parameters are discussed above, and middlewares is an array of express middleware to inject.
  • listen(port) - Start listening @port.
  • close() - Close both HTTP and WebSockets servers, returns a promise resolved when both are closed.
  • api(middleware) - see middleware section below.

Server events

  • reply(Reply r): emitted when a reply is ready to be sent. A reply has a type (OK|ERR) an id correlating to its request and payload or error.
  • request({type, payload}): emitted every time a request is made.

An actual example

const serverApp = {
  ADD: ({x, y}) => Promise.resolve(x + y),
  SUB: ({x, y}) => Promise.resolve(x - y),
  MUL: ({x, y}) => Promise.resolve(x * y),
  DIV: ({x, y}) => Promise[y ? 'resolve' : 'reject'](x / y),

function healthcheck() {
  return Promise.resolve(); // let's assume sunshine and rainbows

const server = new Server(serverApp, healthcheck);

      ({type}) => logger.debug(`[${type}] for request`))
  .listen(PORT).then(() =>`Listening on port ${PORT}`));


The Oompa client is actually very lean. You can use it in one of two forms:

Lean usage

const OompaClient = require('snyk-oompa/client');
const client = new OompaClient('http://localhost:9000');

// dispatch accepts the type and the payload of the task
client.dispatch('ADD', { x: 1, y: 6 }).then(result => {
  console.log(`${res} should be 7`);

Verbose Usage

const OompaClient = require('snyk-oompa/client');
const clientMethods = {
  // [methodName]: {type: [taskType], factory: [methodParams -> taskPayload]}
  add: { type: 'ADD', factory: (x, y) => ({x, y}) },
  sub: { type: 'SUB', factory: (x, y) => ({x, y}) },
  mul: { type: 'MUL', factory: (x, y) => ({x, y}) },
  div: { type: 'DIV', factory: (x, y) => ({x, y}) },
const client = new OompaClient('ws://localhost:9000', clientMethods);

client.add(1, 2).then(...);

Client methods

  • constructor(url, methods) - Create a new client with server @ url, and the specified methods
  • ping(timeout) - Check for the server's health. Wait for timeout ms until auto-rejecting.

Client events

  • error: emitted by propagation from the underlying socket
  • request: emitted when a request is made
  • reply: emitted when server reply is available
  • reply:err: emitted when server reply is available, and is an error
  • reply:ok: emitted when server reply is available, and is not an error


Normally, a server simply forwards the request payload to its factory. Sometimes, however, you'd rather the request go through other steps before reaching the factory, if at all!

const Server = require('snyk-oompa');

const cache = new Map();
function cacheMiddleware(request, next) {
  const type = request.type;
  const {x, y} = request.payload;
  const cacheUrl = `${type}/${x}/${y}`;
  if (cache.has(cacheUrl)) return cache.get(cacheUrl);
  return next(request).then(result => {
    cache.set(cacheUrl, result);
    return result;

const serverApp = {
  ADD: ({x, y}) => Promise.resolve(x + y),
  SUB: ({x, y}) => Promise.resolve(x - y),
  MUL: ({x, y}) => Promise.resolve(x * y),
  DIV: ({x, y}) => Promise[y ? 'resolve' : 'reject'](x / y),

function healthcheck() {
  return Promise.resolve(); // let's assume sunshine and rainbows

const server = new Server(serverApp, healthcheck);

  .listen(PORT).then(() =>`Listening on port ${PORT}`));