This module lets you connect to web services using SOAP. It also provides a server that allows you to run your own SOAP services.
- Very simple API
- Handles both RPC and Document schema types
- Supports multiRef SOAP messages (thanks to @kaven276)
- Support for both synchronous and asynchronous method handlers
- WS-Security (currently only UsernameToken and PasswordText encoding is supported)
- Allows for attibutes to be specified in the soap request if the WSDL requires it.
Install with npm:
npm install soap-attrib
soap.createClient(url, callback) - create a new SOAP client from a WSDL url. Also supports a local filesystem path.
var soap = require('soap');
var url = '';
var args = {name: 'value'};
soap.createClient(url, function(err, client) {
client.MyFunction(args, function(err, result) {
soap.listen(server, path, services, wsdl) - create a new SOAP server that listens on path and provides services.
wsdl is an xml string that defines the service.
var myService = {
MyService: {
MyPort: {
MyFunction: function(args) {
return {
// This is how to define an asynchronous function.
MyAsyncFunction: function(args, callback) {
// do some work
var xml = require('fs').readFileSync('myservice.wsdl', 'utf8'),
server = http.createServer(function(request,response) {
response.end("404: Not Found: "+request.url)
soap.listen(server, '/wsdl', myService, xml);
server logging
If the log method is defined it will be called with 'received' and 'replied' along with data.
server = soap.listen(...)
server.log = function(type, data) {
// type is 'received' or 'replied'
server security example using PasswordDigest
If server.authenticate is not defined no authentation will take place.
server = soap.listen(...)
server.authenticate = function(security) {
var created, nonce, password, user, token;
token = security.UsernameToken, user = token.Username,
password = token.Password, nonce = token.Nonce, created = token.Created;
return user === 'user' && password === soap.passwordDigest(nonce, created, 'password');
server connection authorization
This is called prior to soap service method If the method is defined and returns false the incoming connection is terminated.
server = soap.listen(...)
server.authorizeConnection = function(req) {
return true; // or false
An instance of Client is passed to the soap.createClient callback. It is used to execute methods on the soap service.
Client.describe() - description of services, ports and methods as a JavaScript object
client.describe() // returns
MyService: {
MyPort: {
MyFunction: {
input: {
name: 'string'
Client.setSecurity(security) - use the specified security protocol (see WSSecurity below)
client.setSecurity(new WSSecurity('username', 'password'))
Client.method(args, callback) - call method on the SOAP service.
client.MyFunction({name: 'value'}, function(err, result) {
// result is a javascript object
Client.service.port.method(args, callback) - call a method using a specific service and port
client.MyService.MyPort.MyFunction({name: 'value'}, function(err, result) {
// result is a javascript object
Client.addSoapHeader(soapHeader[, name, namespace, xmlns]) - add soapHeader to soap:Header node
Object({rootName: {name: "value"}}) or strict xml-string
Optional parameters when first arg is object :
Unknown parameter (it could just a empty string)namespace
prefix of xml namespacexmlns
Client.lastRequest - the property that contains last full soap request for client logging
WSSecurity implements WS-Security. UsernameToken and PasswordText/PasswordDigest is supported. An instance of WSSecurity is passed to Client.setSecurity.
new WSSecurity(username, password, passwordType)
//'PasswordDigest' or 'PasswordText' default is PasswordText