This module is a fork from node-soap with some dirty hacks, to make the sympa-soap services run.
For Sympa to run, we adopted the build of namespaces (obviously perl soap lite treats this differently then the standard SOAP), and also we adopted the parameter handling. For the parameter handling to work, the parameters need to be named using the array variable name "parameters".
This module lets you connect to web services using SOAP. It also provides a server that allows you to run your own SOAP services.
- Very simple API
- Handles both RPC and Document schema types
- Supports multiRef SOAP messages (thanks to @kaven276)
- Support for both synchronous and asynchronous method handlers
- WS-Security (currently only UsernameToken and PasswordText encoding is supported)
Install with npm:
npm install soap
soap.createClient(url, callback) - create a new SOAP client from a WSDL url. Also supports a local filesystem path.
var soap = require('soap');
var url = '';
var args = {name: 'value'};
soap.createClient(url, function(err, client) {
client.MyFunction(args, function(err, result) {
soap.listen(server, path, services, wsdl) - create a new SOAP server that listens on path and provides services.
wsdl is an xml string that defines the service.
var myService = {
MyService: {
MyPort: {
MyFunction: function(args) {
return {
// This is how to define an asynchronous function.
MyAsyncFunction: function(args, callback) {
// do some work
var xml = require('fs').readFileSync('myservice.wsdl', 'utf8'),
server = http.createServer(function(request,response) {
response.end("404: Not Found: "+request.url)
soap.listen(server, '/wsdl', myService, xml);
server logging
If the log method is defined it will be called with 'received' and 'replied' along with data.
server = soap.listen(...)
server.log = function(type, data) {
// type is 'received' or 'replied'
server security example using PasswordDigest
If server.authenticate is not defined no authentation will take place.
server = soap.listen(...)
server.authenticate = function(security) {
var created, nonce, password, user, token;
token = security.UsernameToken, user = token.Username,
password = token.Password, nonce = token.Nonce, created = token.Created;
return user === 'user' && password === soap.passwordDigest(nonce, created, 'password');
server connection authorization
This is called prior to soap service method If the method is defined and returns false the incoming connection is terminated.
server = soap.listen(...)
server.authorizeConnection = function(req) {
return true; // or false
An instance of Client is passed to the soap.createClient callback. It is used to execute methods on the soap service.
Client.describe() - description of services, ports and methods as a JavaScript object
client.describe() // returns
MyService: {
MyPort: {
MyFunction: {
input: {
name: 'string'
Client.setSecurity(security) - use the specified security protocol (see WSSecurity below)
client.setSecurity(new WSSecurity('username', 'password'))
Client.method(args, callback) - call method on the SOAP service.
client.MyFunction({name: 'value'}, function(err, result) {
// result is a javascript object
Client.service.port.method(args, callback) - call a method using a specific service and port
client.MyService.MyPort.MyFunction({name: 'value'}, function(err, result) {
// result is a javascript object
Client.addSoapHeader(soapHeader[, name, namespace, xmlns]) - add soapHeader to soap:Header node
Object({rootName: {name: "value"}}) or strict xml-string
Optional parameters when first arg is object :
Unknown parameter (it could just a empty string)namespace
prefix of xml namespacexmlns
Client.lastRequest - the property that contains last full soap request for client logging
WSSecurity implements WS-Security. UsernameToken and PasswordText/PasswordDigest is supported. An instance of WSSecurity is passed to Client.setSecurity.
new WSSecurity(username, password, passwordType)
//'PasswordDigest' or 'PasswordText' default is PasswordText