
SOASTA JavaScript repository access

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import soastaRepository from '';



JavaScript (Node.js) wrapper for the SOASTA Repository REST API. Provides support for:

  • Creating, reading, updating and deleting Repository objects.
  • Reading, writing, and deleting seed data.
  • Now with support for a web context!

All methods follow the Node.js convention of accepting a callback with the signature function(error, response). A promise-based API is also available (see below).


Create a new Repository object and pass in the endpoint URL, then call connect with the appropriate credentials.


var SOASTA = require("soasta-repository").SOASTA;
var repo = new SOASTA.Repository("");

// The first parameter is an optional tenant name.  If you're working in a multi-tenant environment,
// and your account has the Tenant Administrator privilege, then you can use this to control which tenant
// your session uses.  Otherwise, leave it set to null.
repo.connect(null, "my user name", "secret", function(error) {
  if (error) {
    // Connection failed.
    // Can be caused by invalid credentials or network problems.
  } else {
    // We're good to go!
    repo.queryObjects("seeddata", {
      "name": "Example seed data object"
    }, function(error, objectSet) {
      // Extract the ID from the search results.
      var id = objectSet.objects[0].id;

      // Add some new data.
      repo.appendSeedData(id, "value1,value2,value3\nvalue4,value5,value6\nvalue7,value8,value9", function(error) {
        // Load it back!
        repo.readSeedData(id, function(error, content) {
          console.log("Seed data now looks like this: " + content);

          // Clear it out, to reset for next time.

The Repository class provides the following methods for reading and writing objects:

  • createObject(props) - create a new Repository object.
  • getObjectByID(type, id) - return the Repository object with the specified type and ID.
  • queryObjects(type, params) - query the list of objects with the specified type.
  • updateObject(type, id, props) - update the Repository object with the specified type and ID.
  • deleteObject(type, id) - delete the Repository object with the specified type and ID.

The Repository class provides the following methods for reading and writing seed data:

  • readSeedData - returns seed data content in CSV form.
  • appendSeedData - appends new CSV to an existing seed data object.
  • truncateSeedData - deletes all content from an existing seed data object.

Create a new Annotation object and pass in the endpoint URL, then call connect with the appropriate credentials.


var SOASTA = require("soasta-repository").SOASTA;
var repo = new SOASTA.Repository(options.parent.repository);
var annotation = new SOASTA.Annotation(options.parent.repository);

// The first parameter is an optional tenant name.  If you're working in a multi-tenant environment,
// and your account has the Tenant Administrator privilege, then you can use this to control which tenant
// your session uses.  Otherwise, leave it set to null.
repo.connect(null, "my user name", "secret", function(error) {
  if (error) {
    // Connection failed.
    // Can be caused by invalid credentials or network problems.
  } else {
    // We're good to go!
      "date-start": "1515052740000"
    }, function(error, data) {;

The Annotation class provides the following methods for reading and writing objects:

  • createAnnotationObject(props) - create a new Annotation object.
  • getAnnotationObjectByID(id) - return the Annotation object with the ID.
  • getAnnotationObjectsList(params) - get the list of annotations with the specified params.
  • updateAnnotation(id, props) - update the Annotation object with the specified ID.
  • deleteAnnotationObject(id) - delete the Annotation object with the specified ID.

Create a new Timeline object and pass in the endpoint URL, then call connect with the appropriate credentials.


var SOASTA = require("soasta-repository").SOASTA;
var repo = new SOASTA.Repository(options.parent.repository);
var timeline = new SOASTA.Timeline(options.parent.repository);

// The first parameter is an optional tenant name.  If you're working in a multi-tenant environment,
// and your account has the Tenant Administrator privilege, then you can use this to control which tenant
// your session uses.  Otherwise, leave it set to null.
repo.connect(null, "my user name", "secret", function(error) {
  if (error) {
    // Connection failed.
    // Can be caused by invalid credentials or network problems.
  } else {
    // We're good to go!
      "date-start": "1515052740000"
    }, function(error, data) {;

The Timeline class provides the following methods for reading and writing objects:

  • createTimelineObject(props) - create a new Timeline object.
  • getTimelineObjectByID(id) - return the Timeline object with the ID.
  • getTimelineObjectsList(params) - get the list of Timeline objects with the specified params.
  • deleteTimelineObject(id) - delete the Timeline object with the specified ID.

Promise support

To learn more about JavaScript promises, see this article, among others. The Repository API is not promise-based by default, but provides an asPromises helper method that you can call to obtain a "promise-enabled" version.

The asPromises method takes a "bring-your-own-library" approach. Rather than explicitly using Q or another implementation, it accepts any object that provides a denodeify() function. Most of the popular Promises implementations include this.

Promise example

Here's the same example as above, using the promise-based version.

var SOASTA = require("soasta-repository").SOASTA;
var Q = require("Q");

var repo = new SOASTA.Repository("");
repo = repo.asPromises(Q);

repo.connect(null, "my user name", "secret")
.then(function() {
  // Connected successfully!
  // Query the Repository to get the ID of our example seed data object.
  return repo.queryObjects("seeddata", {
    "name": "Example seed data object"
.then(function(objectSet) {
  // Extract the ID from the search results.
  var id = objectSet.objects[0].id;

  // Use nested promises from here on out, since we need to keep the ID in scope.

  // Add some new data.
  repo.appendSeedData(id, "value1,value2,value3\nvalue4,value5,value6\nvalue7,value8,value9")
  .then(function() {
    // Load it back!
    return repo.readSeedData(id);
  .then(function(content) {
    console.log("Seed data now looks like this: " + content);

    // Clear it out, to reset for next time.
    return repo.truncateSeedData(id);

Command-line Interace (CLI)

A command-line wrapper is available via cmd.js:

node cmd.js    

The list of commands and other help is available via the --help command:

node cmd.js --help

For example, to query all domains:

node cmd.js --username [user] --password [password] query domain

You can put defaults for username, password, repository and tenant in an auth.json file:

    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "repository": "",
    "tenant": ""

Command-line Interace for Annotations (CLI)

A command-line wrapper is available via cmdAnnotation.js:

node cmdAnnotation.js    

The list of commands and other help is available via the --help command:

node cmdAnnotation.js --help

For example, to query all annotations from spesipic date:

node cmdAnnotation.js --username [user] --password [password] query date-start=1515052740000

You can put defaults for username, password, repository and tenant in an auth.json file:

    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "repository": "",
    "tenant": ""

Command-line Interace for Timeline (CLI)

A command-line wrapper is available via cmdTimeline.js:

node cmdTimeline.js    

The list of commands and other help is available via the --help command:

node cmdTimeline.js --help

For example, to query all annotations from spesipic date:

node cmdTimeline.js --username [user] --password [password] query date-start=1515052740000

You can put defaults for username, password, repository and tenant in an auth.json file:

    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "repository": "",
    "tenant": ""