Multi-platform Social Client for Node
This is general Social Client libs for most social network platforms.
- "wyx" - Sina Weiyouxi (Old style FB like, in-frame only, implemented)
- "renren" - RenRen (OAuth2, implemented)
- "qq" - QZone/Pengyou
Not implement yet:
- "fb" - Facebook
- "google" - Google+
- "kaixin" - Kaixin001
Implemented but not suggest to use
- "sina" - Weibo (OAuth, implemented, but lack of sns CommonAPI)
How to use
To create a SNS client
var snsclient = require('snsclient');
var factory = snsclient({
platform_nameA : {key: key, secret: secret},
platform_nameB : {key: key, secret: secret}
var client_nouser, client_withuser;
client_nouser = factory.createClient('platform_nameA'); // for no authorized_user
factory.setDefault('platform_nameA'); // set a default platform
client_nouser = factory.createClient(); // for no authorized_user and using default
// set user and using default
// you can get authorized_user by snsClient's function "authorize()"
client_withuser = factory.createClient(authorized_user);
To authorize
some authorization may be redirecting page
// create a default client
var client = factory.createClient(), authorized_user;
client.authorize(req, res, function(err, user){
// if no err, user will be the authorized_user to be used in other CommonAPIs
authorized_user = user;
Using commonAPIs
// create a default client with authorized_user
var client = factory.createClient(authorized_user);
client.friends_ids(null, /* you can set some API additional parameters here */
function(err, data){
//To handle data
- Using node-oauth lib
- The lib should be run on express framework(for session and router support)
: get current user's info- support: all
: get user's friends ids- support: all(except weibo)
: get user's app friends(installed current application) ids- support: all(except weibo)
: get user's app friends detail info- support: all(except weibo)
: check if the user installed current application- support: all(except weibo)
: get user's info by ids array- support: all(except weibo)
Contact me
- Weibo:
- Mail: btspoony[AT]