
Social services components

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import socialComponents from '';



Social service components.

Some experiments with common social service concepts such as a "post", its data structure, maybe some React components for rendering "post"s, etc.

GitHub Ban

On March 9th, 2020, GitHub, Inc. silently banned my account (erasing all my repos, issues and comments) without any notice or explanation. Because of that, all source codes had to be promptly moved to GitLab. The GitHub repo is now only used as a backup (you can star the repo there too), and the primary repo is now the GitLab one. Issues can be reported in any repo.


npm install social-components --save

This library uses async/await syntax so including regenerator-runtime/runtime is required when using it. In Node.js that usually means including @babel/runtime. In a web browser that usually means including @babel/polyfill (though starting from Babel 7.4.0 @babel/polyfill has been deprecated in favor of manually including core-js/stable and regenerator-runtime/runtime).


Currently this library is only used as a dependency of imageboard and webapp-frontend.

The <Post/> React component is currently being experimented on.



  • YouTube — Get video by URL or id.
  • Vimeo — Get video by URL or id.
  • Instagram — Get post by URL or id.
  • Twitter — Get tweet by URL or id.


getPostText(post: Post, options: object?): string?

import getPostText from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getPostText'

Returns a textual representation of a Post

Availble options:

  • softLimit: number — A "soft" limit on the resulting text length. "Soft" means that the resulting text may exceed the limit.
  • messages: object? — An object of shape { contentType: { audio: 'Audio', ... } }.
  • skipPostQuoteBlocks: boolean? — Skip all "block" (not "inline") post quotes.
  • skipGeneratedPostQuoteBlocks: boolean? — Skip all autogenerated "block" (not "inline") post quotes. Is true by default.
  • skipAttachments: boolean? — Skip attachments (embedded and non-embedded). Is true by default.
  • skipNonEmbeddedAttachments: boolean? — Skip non-embedded attachments. Is true by default.
  • skipUntitledAttachments: boolean? — Skip untitled attachments (embedded and non-embedded). Is true by default.
  • trimCodeBlocksToFirstLine: boolean? — Trim code blocks to first line. Is true by default.
  • stopOnNewLine: boolean? — If true then the function will stop on the first "new line" character of the generated text.

getInlineContentText(content: Content, options: object?): string?

import getInlineContentText from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getInlineContentText'

Returns a textual representation of an InlineContent. Use this function as an equivalent of getPostText() for inline-level content.

transformContent(content: Content, transform: function)

import transformContent from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/transformContent'

Recursively walks all parts of content, calling transform(part) for each such part. If transform(part) returns:

  • undefined, then the part is left unchanged, and it will recurse into the part's .content.
  • false, then the part is left unchanged, and it won't recurse into the part's .content.
  • an array, then the array is expanded in place of the part.
  • anything else, then the part is substituted with that.

generatePostQuote(post: Post, options: object?): string?

import generatePostQuote from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/generatePostQuote'

Generates a textual representation of a Post, that's intended to be used in a quote citing the post. Uses getPostText() under the hood: first starts with a strict set of options, then gradually relaxes them until some text is generated. Then compacts inter-paragraph margins into just "new line" characters, and trims the resulting text to fit into options.maxLength (adjusted by options.minFitFactor and options.maxFitFactor).

Availble options:

  • All getPostText() options are passed through.
  • maxLength: number — A limit on the resulting text length.
  • minFitFactor: number? — Provides some flexibility on maxLength. See minFitFactor option of trimText().
  • minFitFactor: number? — Provides some flexibility on maxLength. See maxFitFactor option of trimText().
  • newLineCharacterLength: number? — See newLineCharacterLength option of trimText().
  • trimMarkEndOfLine: string? — See trimMarkEndOfLine option of trimText().
  • trimMarkEndOfSentence: string? — See trimMarkEndOfSentence option of trimText().
  • trimMarkEndOfWord: string? — See trimMarkEndOfWord option of trimText().
  • trimMarkAbrupt: string? — See trimMarkAbrupt option of trimText().

generatePreview(post: Post, options: object): Content?

import generatePostPreview from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/generatePostPreview'

Generates a preview for a Post given the options.limit. If the post content is undefined then the returned preview content is too. Otherwise, the returned preview content isn't undefined. If the post content fits entirely then the preview content will be (deeply) equal to it. Otherwise, preview content will be a shortened version of content with a { type: 'read-more' } marker somewhere in the end.

Available options:

  • maxLength: number — Preview content (soft) limit (in "points": for text, one "point" is equal to one character, while any other non-text content has its own "points", including attachments and new line character).
  • minFitFactor: number? — Provides some flexibility on maxLength. Sets the usual lower limit of content trimming length at minFitFactor * maxLength: if content surpasses maxFitFactor * maxLength limit, then it usually can be trimmed anywhere between minFitFactor * maxLength and maxFitFactor * maxLength. Is 1.2 by default.
  • minFitFactor: number? — Provides some flexibility on maxLength. Sets the usual upper limit of content trimming length at maxFitFactor * maxLength: if content surpasses maxFitFactor * maxLength limit, then it usually can be trimmed anywhere between minFitFactor * maxLength and maxFitFactor * maxLength. Is 0.75 by default.
  • textTrimMarkEndOfWord: string? — Appends this "trim mark" when text has to be trimmed after word end (but not after sentence end). Is "…" by default.
  • textTrimMarkAbrupt: string? — Appends this "trim mark" when text has to be trimmed mid-word. Is "…" by default.
  • minimizeGeneratedPostLinkBlockQuotes: boolean? — Set to true to indicate that post links with generated block quotes are initially minimized when rendered: this results in skipping counting those post links' content characters when generating post preview.

trimText(text: string, maxLength: number, options: object?): string

import trimText from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/trimText'

Trims the text at maxLength.

Available options:

  • minFitFactor: number? — Provides some flexibility on maxLength. Sets the lower limit of text trimming length at minFitFactor * maxLength: if text length surpasses maxFitFactor * maxLength limit, then it can be trimmed anywhere between minFitFactor * maxLength and maxFitFactor * maxLength. Is 1 by default, meaning "no effect".
  • minFitFactor: number? — Provides some flexibility on maxLength. Sets the upper limit of text trimming length at maxFitFactor * maxLength: if text length surpasses maxFitFactor * maxLength limit, then it can be trimmed anywhere between minFitFactor * maxLength and maxFitFactor * maxLength. Is 1 by default, meaning "no effect".
  • newLineCharacterLength: number? — Can be set to specify custom character length for a "new line" (\n) character. It could be used to "tax" multi-line texts when trimming. Is 0 by default.
  • trimPoint: string? — Preferrable trim point. Can be undefined (default), "sentence-end", "sentence-or-word-end".Preferrable trim point. By default it starts with seeing if it can trim at "sentence-end", then tries to trim at "sentence-or-word-end", and then just trims at any point.
  • trimMarkEndOfLine: string? — "Trim mark" when trimming at the end of a line. Is "" (no trim mark) by default.
  • trimMarkEndOfSentence: string? — "Trim mark" when trimming at the end of a sentence. Is "" (no trim mark) by default.
  • trimMarkEndOfWord: string? — "Trim mark" when trimming at the end of a word. Is " …" by default.
  • trimMarkAbrupt: string? — "Trim mark" when trimming mid-word. Is "…" by default.

censorWords(text: string, filters: WordFilter[]): Content

import censorWords from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/censorWords'

Replaces words in text matching the filters with objects of shape { type: "spoiler", censored: true, content: "the-word-that-got-censored" }. The filters: WordFilter[] argument must be a list of word filters pre-compiled with the exported compileWordPatterns(censoredWords, language) function (described below).

const FILTERS = compileWordPatterns(['red', 'brown', 'orange'], 'en')

censorWords('A red fox', FILTERS) === [
  'A ',
  { type: 'spoiler', censored: true, content: 'red' }
  ' fox'

compileWordPatterns(patterns: string[], language: string): WordFilter[]

import compileWordPatterns from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/compileWordPatterns'

Compiles word patterns into filters that can be used in censorWords().


  • patterns: string[] — An array of string word patterns. The standard regular expression syntax applies, ^ meaning "word start", $ meaning "word end", . meaning "any letter", etc.

  • language: string — A lowercase two-letter language code (examples: "en", "ru", "de") that is used to generate a regular expression for splitting text into individual words.

Word pattern syntax:

  • ^ — Word start.
  • $ — Word end.
  • . — Any letter.
  • [abc] — Any single one of letters: "a", "b", "c".
  • a? — Optional letter "a".
  • .* — Any count of any letter.
  • .+ — One or more of any letter.
  • .{0,2} — Zero to two of any letter.

Word pattern examples:

  • ^mother.* — Matches "mothercare" and "motherfather".

  • ^mother[f].* — Matches "motherfather" but not "mothercare".

  • ^mother[^f].* — Matches "mothercare" but not "motherfather".

  • ^cock$ — Matches "cock" in "my cock is big" but won't match "cocktail" or "peacock".

  • cock — Matches "cock", "cocktail" and "peacock".

  • cock$ — Matches "cock" and "peacock" but not "cocktail" .

  • ^cocks? — Matches "cock" and "cocks".

  • ^cock.{0,3} — Matches "cock", "cocks", "cocker", "cockers".

loadResourceLinks(post: Post, options: object?): Promise

import loadResourceLinks from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/loadResourceLinks'

Loads "resource" links (such as links to YouTube and Twitter) by loading the info associated with the resources. For example, sets video .attachment on YouTube links and sets "social" .attachment on Twitter links.

Returns an object having a cancel() function and a promise property. Calling stop() function prevents loadResourceLinks() from making any further changes to the post object. Calling cancel() function multiple times or after the promise has finished doesn't have any effect. The promise is a Promise that resolves when all resource links have been loaded. Loading some links may potentially error (for example, if a YouTube video wasn't found). Even if the returned Promise errors due to some resource loader, the post content still may have been changed by other resource loaders.

Available options:

  • onContentChange: function? — Is called on this post content change (as a result of a resource link being loaded). For example, it may re-render the post.
  • getYouTubeVideoByUrl: function? — Can be used for getting YouTube videos by URL from cache.
  • youTubeApiKey: (string|string[])? — YouTube API key. If it's an array of keys then the first non-erroring one is used.
  • loadPost: function? — This is a hacky point of customization to add some other custom resource loaders. Is used in captchan to fix lynxchan post attachment sizes and URLs.
  • contentMaxLength: number? — If set, will re-generate .contentPreview if the updated content exceeds the limit (in "points").
  • messages: object? — Localized labels ("Video", "Picture", etc). Has shape { contentType: { video: "Video", ... }, post: { videoNotFound: "Video not found" } }.
  • minimizeGeneratedPostLinkBlockQuotes: boolean? — See the description of the same option of generatePostPreview().

expandStandaloneAttachmentLinks(content: Content)

Expands attachment links (objects of shape { type: 'link', attachment: ... } into standalone attachments (block-level attachments: { type: 'attachment' }).

import expandStandaloneAttachmentLinks from "social-components/commonjs/utility/post/expandStandaloneAttachmentLinks"

const content = [
        "See ",
            type: "link",
            attachment: {
                type: "video",
                video: ...
        " for more info."


content === [
        "See "
        type: "attachment",
        attachment: {
            type: "video",
            video: ...
        " for more info."

visitPostParts(type: string, visit: function, content: Content): any[]

import visitPostParts from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/visitPostParts'

Calls visit(part) on each part of content being of type type. Returns a list of results returned by each visit(part). For example, the following example prints URLs of all { type: 'link' }s in a post content.

visitPostParts('link', link => console.log(link.url), post.content)

trimContent(content: Content, options: object?): Content?

import trimContent from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/trimContent'

Trims whitespace (including newlines) in the beginning and in the end of content. content internals will be mutated. Returns the mutated content (the original content still gets mutated). Returns undefined if content became empty as a result of the trimming.

Available options:

  • left: boolean — Pass left: false to prevent it from trimming on the left side.
  • right: boolean — Pass right: false to prevent it from trimming on the right side.
trimContent([['\n', ' Text '], ['\n']]) === [['Text']]

trimInlineContent(inlineContent: InlineContent, options: object?): InlineContent?

import trimInlineContent from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/trimInlineContent'

Trims whitespace (including newlines) in the beginning and in the end of content. content must be an array. content internals will be mutated. Returns the mutated content (the original content still gets mutated). Returns undefined if content became empty as a result of the trimming.

Available options:

  • left: boolean — Pass left: false to prevent it from trimming on the left side.
  • right: boolean — Pass right: false to prevent it from trimming on the right side.
trimInlineContent(['\n', { type: 'text', content: ' Text ' }, '\n'])
  === [{ type: 'text', content: 'Text' }]

YouTube.getVideoByUrl(url: string, options: object): Promise<object>

import getVideoByUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/YouTube/getVideoByUrl'

Parses a YouTube video URL, queries the video info via YouTube V3 Data API and returns a Promise resolving to { type: 'video' } object.

Available options:

  • youTubeApiKey: string — YouTube V3 Data API key.

Some additional YouTube utilities:

// The list of possible YouTube preview picture ("thumbnail") sizes.
import { PREVIEW_PICTURE_SIZES } from 'social-components/commonjs/services/YouTube/getVideo'
  name: 'maxresdefault',
  width: 1280,
  height: 720

// Returns a URL of a YouTube video's preview picture ("thumbnail").
import { getPictureSizeUrl } from 'social-components/commonjs/services/YouTube/getVideo'

// Returns a YouTube video URL.
import getVideoUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/YouTube/getVideoUrl'
getVideoUrl(videoId, { startAt }?)

// Returns a URL for an embedded YouTube video.
// Can be used for embedding a video on a page via an `<iframe/>`.
import getEmbeddedVideoUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/YouTube/getEmbeddedVideoUrl'
getEmbeddedVideoUrl(videoId, { autoPlay, startAt }?)

Vimeo.getVideoByUrl(url: string): Promise<object>

import getVideoByUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/Vimeo/getVideoByUrl'

Parses a Vimeo video URL, queries the video info via HTTP REST API and returns a Promise resolving to { type: 'video' } object.

Some additional Vimeo utilities:

// Returns a Vimeo video URL.
import getVideoUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/Vimeo/getVideoUrl'

// Returns a URL for an embedded Vimeo video.
// Can be used for embedding a video on a page via an `<iframe/>`.
import getEmbeddedVideoUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/Vimeo/getEmbeddedVideoUrl'
getEmbeddedVideoUrl(videoId, { color, autoPlay, loop }?)

Twitter.getTweetByUrl(url: string, options: object): Promise<object>

import getTweetByUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/Twitter/getTweetByUrl'

Parses a Vimeo video URL, queries the video info via HTTP REST API and returns a Promise resolving to { type: 'social' } object.

Available options:

  • messages: object? — Localized labels ("Link", "Attachment"). An object of shape { link: "Link", attachment: "Attachment" }.

Instagram.getPostByUrl(url: string): Promise<object>

import getPostByUrl from 'social-components/commonjs/services/Instagram/getPostByUrl'

Parses a Vimeo video URL, queries the video info via HTTP REST API and returns a Promise resolving to { type: 'social' } object.

Miscellaneous API

unescapeContent(string: string): string

import unescapeContent from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/unescapeContent'

Unescapes HTML-escaped text.

unescapeContent("&lt;div/&gt;") === "<div/>"

getColorHash(string: string): string

import getColorHash from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/getColorHash'

Converts a string to a color.

getColorHash("Some text") === "#aabbcc"

getHumanReadableLinkAddress(url: string): string

import getHumanReadableLinkAddress from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/getHumanReadableLinkAddress'

Returns a more human-friendly link address: strips "http(s):" protocol and the "www." part, removes a trailing slash.

getContentBlocks(post: Post): any[]

import getPostThumbnailAttachment from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getContentBlocks'

Returns a list of "content blocks" of the post's .content. For example, if the post's .content is just a string, then it returns an array of that string. Returns an empty array if the post has no content.

removeLeadingPostLink(post: Post, postLinkTest: (any|function))

Removes a leading post-link, that satisfies the conditions, from the post's .content. Can be used to remove parent post quotes from replies when showing the parent post's replies tree.

The postLinkTest argument should be the condition for removing a post link: either a post id or a function that returns true when the post link should be removed.

import removeLeadingPostLink from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/removeLeadingPostLink'

comment.replies = => {
    return removeLeadingPostLink(reply,
    // Or, the same:
    // return removeLeadingPostLink(reply, (postLink) => postLink.postId ===

getPostThumbnailAttachment(post: Post, options: object?): Attachment?

import getPostThumbnailAttachment from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getPostThumbnailAttachment'

Returns an attachment that could be used as a "thumbnail" for this post. For example, could return a Picture or a Video.

Available options:

  • showPostThumbnailWhenThereAreMultipleAttachments — Pass true to allow returning post thumbnail in cases when the post has multiple thumbnail-able attachments. By default, if the post has multiple thumbnail-able attachments, none of them will be returned.

  • showPostThumbnailWhenThereIsNoContent — Pass true to allow returning post thumbnail in cases when the post has no content. By default, if the post has no content, no post thumbnail will be returned.

getPicturesAndVideos(attachments: Attachment[]): Attachment[]

import getPicturesAndVideos from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getPicturesAndVideos'

Returns Pictures and Videos.

getMinSize(picture: Picture): object

import getPicturesAndVideos from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/picture/getMinSize'

Returns the minimum "size" of a picture, "size" being an object of shape: { width: number, height: number, url: string }.

getNonEmbeddedAttachments(post: Post): Attachment[]

import getNonEmbeddedAttachments from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getNonEmbeddedAttachments'

Returns a list of post attachments that aren't embedded in the post's .content.

getSortedAttachments(post: Post): Attachment[]?

import getSortedAttachments from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getSortedAttachments'

Sorts post attachments in the order they appear embedded in the post, plus all the rest of them that aren't embedded in the post, sorted by thumbnail height descending.

Returns undefined if the post doesn't have any attachments.

getEmbeddedAttachment(block: ContentBlock, attachments: Attachment[]?): Attachment?

import getEmbeddedAttachment from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/getEmbeddedAttachment'

Returns an Attachment object for an embedded attachment block.

hasPicture(attachment: Attachment): boolean?

import hasPicture from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/attachment/hasPicture'

Returns true if the attachment has a picture. Examples: Picture, Video.

getThumbnailSize(attachment: Attachment): object?

import getThumbnailSize from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/attachment/getThumbnailSize'

Returns the attachment's thumbnail size. Returns undefined if the attachment doesn't have a thumbnail.

createLink(url: string, content: string?): object

import createLink from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/createLink'

Creates a link object from a link's URL (url) and a link's text (content). The link object can additionally have a service: string property (example: "youtube").

The url will be parsed to see if a service can be detec For example, a YouTube video URL will be parsed and the resulting link will have service set to "youtube" and content set to the video ID, and a YouTube icon could then be shown before the link's content when the link is rendered (or, if there's no icon for a service, a simple ${service}: prefix could be prepended to it).

getMimeType(url: string): string?

import getMimeType from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/getMimeType'

Returns a MIME type by file URL (or filesystem path, or filename). Basically, looks at the file extension. Returns undefined if the MIME type couldn't be determined.

combineQuotes(content: Content)

import combineQuotes from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/combineQuotes'

Combines { type: "quote" } objects on consequtive lines into a single { type: "quote" } object with "\n"s inside. Mutates the original content.

findContentPart(content: Content, test: function, options: object?): number[]?

import findContentPart from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/findContentPart'

Recursively searches content for the parts for which the test(part) function returns true. Returns an "index path" (an array of recursive content part indexes, like a path in a "tree").

The test function should be a:

    part: (string|object),
    { getNextPart }
): boolean?

Available options:

  • backwards: boolean — Pass true to search from the end to the start of the content.

splitContent(content: Content, indexPath: number[], options: object?): Content[]

import splitContent from 'social-components/commonjs/utility/post/splitContent'

Splits content by the indexPath path into a leftPart: Content and a rightPart: Content. The indexPath could be obtained from findContentPart().

renderTweet(tweetId: string, container: Element, options: object?)

import renderTweet from 'social-components/commonjs/Twitter/renderTweet'

Renders a tweet in a container.

Available options:

  • darkMode: boolean — Pass true to render the tweet in dark mode.
  • locale: string — Viewer's language code (examples: "en", "ru", "de").

To do

  • source/services/YouTube/getVideo.js and source/services/Vimeo/getVideo.js both use fetch() global function which isn't supported in Node.js. Developers using this package could optionally polyfill fetch() on server side (for example, see /fetch-polyfill).
  • source/services/Twitter/getTweet.js and source/services/Instagram/getPost.js both use fetch-jsonp which doesn't work in Node.js. Some tests are skipped because of that (describe.skip()). Maybe somehow substitute fetch-jsonp for server side.
