In progress of factoring out of feedbot and socdb.
Only for twitter at the moment, but should work for other social networks eventually.
State is kept in PostgreSQL, between & during runs.
Use something like:
const Crawler = require('social-crawler')
const config = {} // use env vars if omitted here
// where we store the data
// PGDATABASE or config.pgDatabase
// PGPASSWORD or config.pgPassword
// what user we access twitter as
const crawler = new Crawler(config)
// if you want crawling in this process; without this, you can still
read the database, but it wont do any new fetches.
// if you want to shut down the crawling; necessary if you want the
// process to exit cleanly, because otherwise it's just waiting for more
// stuff to appear
// add stuff to the queue, which flows out as priorities for related things
// via computeContacts()
crawler.setUserPriority(id, priority)
crawler.setPostPriority(id, priority)
crawler.users() // iterator
crawler.posts() // iterator
crawler.userPosts(user) // iter, what we have so far
crawler.followers(user) // iter, what we have so far
crawler.leaders(user) // iter, what we have so far
const stat = crawler.status()
// status.postsFetched
// status.postsFetchable
// status.followersFetched
// status.leadersFetched
// status.contactPostsFetched
// status.contactPostsFetchable
// Who are the contacts (from leaders, followers, posts, etc) and how
// important are they? You can provide this function if you don't like
// the default: leaders are weight 10, followers weight 1, plus 1
// point for any like / 3 points for any boost, in the past 90 days.
crawler.computeContacts = async user => {
// Look at followers, leaders, posts, etc, to compute
// a weighted table of contacts.
// Return a Set mapping contact -> weight.
// All weights turn into priorities by * 0.001 * user priority