A jquery plugin to provide more control on social sharing buttons. Do the styling without worrying about the javascript implementation.
Demo is available at
- Full control over the design of the buttons.
- No separate widget js loading for separate services.
- Share counts of all supported services.
- Easy to configure.
Getting Started
Download the production version or the development version.
Install from npm
npm install --save social-share-js
Install from bower
bower install --save social-share-js
Manual injection in your web page:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery.socialshare.min.js"></script>
Simple Usage
This is the minimal configuration required to use the plugin
image : 'image-url',
twitterVia : 'ritz078',
twitterHashTags : 'javascript,jquery'
Advanced Options
property | default value | Description |
url | current page url | The url that will be shared |
description | current page meta tag description | Can be set to be shared as description on twitter |
title | current page title | Title that will be shared |
counts | true | set to false to bypass http request to get the counts |
true | set to false to disable | |
true | set to false to disable | |
true | set to false to disable | |
true | set to false to disable | |
gPlus | true | set to false to disable |
image | null | url of the image that will be shared with the links |
toWord | true | to convert count numbers into words eg: 12000 to 12K |
twitterVia | null | string containing the via value for twitter sharing eg: 'ritz078'.Mandatory if twitter is set to true |
twitterHashTags | null | comma separated values to be shared as hashtags in a single string.Mandatory if twitter is set to true. |
How to use ?
You can use these 2 classes to make a class clickable(open share dialogue) and show the share counts.
- [service]-share and
- [service]-count
where [service] = twitter/facebook/pinterest/linkedin/gPlus
Just add them wherever you want to use them
Class | Description | example |
[service]-share | This is the class that becomes a link after clicking on which the sharing dialogue appears | <div class="twitter-share"></div> |
[service]-count | Class in which the share count appears | <span class="twitter-count"></span> |
Example Usage
- HTML can comprise of any structure and tags
- Just use the 2 types of class provided
<div class="element">
<!--===== this block will become clickable (shows the twitter share dialogue on click)
because of the class 'twitter-share'====-->
<div class="twitter-share">
<span>Share on twitter</span>
<span class="twitter-count"></span> <!--====shows twitter share count==-->
<!--===== this block will become clickable (shows the facebook share dialogue on click)
because of the class 'facebook-share'====-->
<div class="facebook-share">
<span>Share on Facebook</span>
<span class="facebook-count"></span><!--=== shows facebook share count==-->
image : 'image-url',
twitterVia : 'ritz078',
twitterHashTags : 'javascript,jquery'
Demo is available at
MIT © Ritesh Kumar