Sock Chat
Sock Chat is a full-stack chat live chat library, ready to be set-up and embedded into your website! The goal is to require as little configuration as possible, reusing your applications sessions and users!
Installation (Server)
Use the package manager npm to install Sock-Chat.
npm i sock-chat
Installation (Client)
You will need
<section id="socket-chat"
data-socketurl="(YOUR SOCKET URL) ex: http://localhost:3000"
data-sessionkey="(Users Session Key/Post Key) ex: foobarkey"
<script src="./dist/js/"></script>
<script src="./dist/js/"></script>
Usage Windows (Power Shell)
$env:dbtype = "postgres";
$env:dbname = "myapp";
$env:dbuser = "appuser";
$env:dbpass = "appuser_password";
$env:dbhost = "localhost";
$env:dbport = "3113";
$env:socketport = "3000";
//Start the socket server
node core.js
Usage Linux
dbtype = "postgres";
dbname = "myapp";
dbuser = "appuser";
dbpass = "appuser_password";
dbhost = "localhost";
dbport = "3113";
socketport = "3000";
//Start the socket server
node core.js
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.