
Node.js Websocket Framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import socketSorcerer from '';


npm i -s socket-sorcerer;

Socket Sorcerer is a light-weight WebSocket framework based on 'ws' package.

In comparison with other libraries it has next advantages:

  • already implemented reconnects, pinging, authentication etc
  • the simplest implementation of full functionality in less rows of Your code
  • easily integration in any application

Build server:

import { WebsocketServer } from 'socket-sorcerer';
import { createServer } from 'http';

const server = createServer().listen(8088);

const wss = new WebsocketServer({
  serverOptions: {
  pingInterval: 5000,
  pingTimeout: 5000,
  authenticate: {
    eventName: 'auth',
    async eventHandler(token) {
      const user = { _id: '5e1c62a969a07513e8f99a73' };
      return user._id;
    authTimeout: 3000
  events: {
    connect (uid) {
      wss.getManager().join('test', uid);
    check (data, uid) {
      console.log({data, uid})
    disconnect (uid) {

// Built server has its own manager property which You can export end use anywhere:
const manager = wss.getManager();'test').event('test').data({ testMode: true });
Server Options:
  • serverOptions: see ws.ServerOptions
  • pingInterval: interval between to ping probes in milliseconds,
  • pingTimeout: value when connection will be closed after ping probe fails in milliseconds,
  • authenticate.eventName: Your custom authenticate event name, should be implemented on client side too,
  • authenticate.eventHandler: Your custom authenticate event handler which should take provided from client side token and return user id
  • authenticate.authTimeout: value when connection will be closed after auth probe fails in milliseconds
  • events: Server side event handlers, all of them besides 'connect' and 'disconnect' take two args (data and uid, "connect" and "disconnect" events take one arg - uid). You can use '*' to define middleware which will be called previously (except "connect", "disconnect" and service events)
Build client at the front end side:
import { WebSocketClient } from 'socket-sorcerer';

const ws = new WebSocketClient({
  serverUrl: 'ws://localhost:8088',
  token: 'clientPersonalToken',
  doReconnectOnClose: true,
  reconnectInterval: 5000,
  authEventName: 'auth',
  events: {
    test: (data) => {
        .data({ checked: true });

// You can export ws object and use it anywhere 
        .data({ checked: true });
Client Options:
  • serverUrl: Previously created WebSocket Server URL, f.e. 'ws://localhost:8088',
  • token: Personal token for authentication
  • doReconnectOnClose: Boolean identifier which indicate to do reconnects, recommended value is true,
  • reconnectInterval: Interval between reconnect attempts in milliseconds,
  • authEventName: Authenticate event name the same as the server side,
  • events: Client side event handlers

Thank You and Good Luck!