
Sockets with messages, pings, etc

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sockhop from '';



Node.js IPC

  • Object centric - put a string, object, Widget, whatever into one end and it comes out the other
  • Pass objects directly between different node programs
  • Uses TCP sockets or Unix domain sockets transparent to you
  • Easy wrappers over the tricky parts of net.socket
  • Auto reconnect
  • Ping with auto disconnect/reconnect
  • Remote callbacks across socket
  • Manages binary buffers across the wire, reconstructs fragmented JSON buffers (see lib/ObjectBuffer.js)
  • Server options for talking to (non Sockhop) other clients


Here's some basic examples, but check out the full documentation here

const Sockhop=require("sockhop");

// Create server/client pair
let s=new Sockhop.server();    // You can specify a socket location, IP address, etc. or it will pick defaults
let c=new Sockhop.client();

// Something to pass 
class Widget {  /* ... */  }

// Pass a Widget

  // Send everyone a Widget 
  s.sendall(new Widget()); // Can put anything here


c.on("receive", (obj, metadata)=>{

  // obj is serialized Widget
  // metadata.type=="Widget"


Remote callback example:

server.on("receive", (obj, meta)=>{

  // obj=="Promise to call when you get this"
  meta.callback("I got your message!");

c.send("Promise to call when you get this", (reply)=>{

  // reply == "I got your message!"

Session example

const Sockhop=require("sockhop");

 * Class to save verification information about a
 * socket
class Session extends Sockhop.session {
  constructor(socket, server) {
    this.socket = socket; // Save a reference to the socket
    this.verified = false;
  async start() {
    // Require sockets to verify themselves with in 3 seconds = setTimeout(() => this.socket.end(), 3000);
  verify() {
    this.verified = true;

// Create server/client pair
let s=new Sockhop.server({session_type : Session});
let c=new Sockhop.client();

s.on('receive', (data, meta) => {
  // Require verification to continue
  if ( !meta.session.verified && meta.type !== 'Verify' ) return;

  switch ( meta.type ) {
  case "Verify":
    // run verification code here
  case "Other":
    // run everything else here

  c.send("some verification object");

Linting, building docs, and testing

npm run lint:fix
npm run build
npm run test


Sockhop easily passes objects across the wire. If you pack/transcode JS in a way that mutates class names, this functionality will be broken! This includes auto ping functionality.

If you server.listen(), make sure you server.close() when you are done so Node won't hang forever on program exit. Similarly, if you turn on or set client.auto_reconnect=true, make sure you finish up by (to disable pings) and client.auto_reconnect=false. Alternately you can client.disconnect() and it will turn off pings/auto_reconnect for you.
