socsjs (schedule of classes scraper)
A scraper that simulates an API for UCSD's Schedule of Classes
Many thanks to @andrewthehan and @davidmrdavid
Check out a project made with socsjs!
npm install socsjs --save
var socsjs = require('socsjs');
Finding a course
Default timeout value is at 5000ms
var quarter = 'FA16';
var query = 'CSE105';
var timeout = 5000;
socsjs.findCourse(quarter, query, timeout).then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // returns a Course
console.log(result.sections[0].isEnrollable); // true
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log(err, 'oops!');
Finding a course by section id
var quarter = 'WI17';
var query = '895719';
var timeout = 5000;
var byId = true;
socsjs.findCourse(quarter, query, timeout, byId).then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // returns a Course
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log(err, 'oops!');
Finding courses
var quarter = 'FA16';
var queries = ['cse11', 'cse12', 'WCWP10A'];
var timeout = 5000;
socsjs.findCourses(quarter, queries, timeout).then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // returns an array of Courses
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log(err, 'oops!');
Finding multiple courses by section id
var quarter = 'WI17';
var queries = ['894490', '888993', '894515'];
var timeout = 5000;
var byId = true;
socsjs.findCourses(quarter, queries, timeout, byId).then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // returns an array of Courses
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log(err, 'oops!');
Searching a department
var quarter = 'FA16';
var dept = 'ANTH';
var timeout = 10000;
var undergrad = true; // optional boolean to select only undergrad courses (< 200)
socsjs.searchDepartment(quarter, dept, timeout, undergrad).then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // returns an array of undergrad Courses
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log(err, 'oops!');
A Course
object has Strings department
, code
, name
, an array sections
, and a number units
is made up of CourseElements
A CourseElement
contains information about a Course
var CourseElement = function(type, id, section, days, time, location, teacher, openSeats, seatLimit) {
this.type = type; // String describing a course element (eg. 'final', 'discussion') = id; // Null or String of the section's ID (eg. '123456')
this.section = section; // Null or String of the section (eg. 'A01')
this.days = days; // String of the days (eg. 'MWF')
this.time = time; // String of the time as shown on the Schedule of Classes site
this.location = location; // String of the location
this.teacher = formatProf(teacher); // Null or String of LastName, FirstName of teacher
this.openSeats = openSeats; // Null or Number of how many seats are available
this.seatLimit = seatLimit; // Null or Number of the course element's class limit
this.waitlistSize = 0; // Null or Number of people on the waitlist
this.isEnrollable = false; // Boolean for if a class element is enrollable
this.isCancelled = false; // Boolean for if a class is cancelled
These are the mappings to the different meeting types
Code | Description | socsjs Type (string) |
DI |
Discussion | discussion |
LE |
Lecture | lecture |
LA |
Laboratory | lab |
SE |
Seminar | seminar |
ST |
Studio | studio |
IN |
Independent Study | independentStudy |
MI |
Midterm | midterm |
AC |
Activity | activity |
CL |
Clinical Clerkship | clinicalClerkship |
CO |
Conference | conference |
FI |
Final Exam | finalExam |
FM |
Film | film |
FW |
Fieldwork | fieldwork |
IT |
Internship | internship |
MU |
Make-up Session | makeup |
OT |
Other Additional Meeting | otherMeeting |
PB |
Problem Session | problemSession |
PR |
Practicum | practicum |
RE |
Review Session | reviewSession |
TU |
Tutorial | tutorial |
- Add support for other Meeting Types
- Add filters to get information easily
- Add search by Section ID
- Add search by time filters
- Add course units
- Add prereqs
- Add Restriction codes
- Add getDepartments and getSubjects
- Fix error handling for no internet connection and short timeout
- Handle nonexistant courses with error message (currently returns Course object)
- Handle nonexistant quarters
- Fix tests (verbose, type checking)
- Set default timeout value
- Format CourseElement date and time
- Format CourseElement location
- Set up for ES6