This is a OGC API Features server originally developed for distributing meteorological data using an encoding that will be calle simple observation features. The core project only serves as a proxy to a backend implementation that provides access to data. Deployment strategy is dockerized so that the sofp-core will produce a docker image that a backend implementation may build on top of.
© 2018-2020 Vaisala Corporation
To release
To release a new version, do the following:
- Bump the version appropriately in package.json
- Commit and push all changes
- rm -r dist/
- npm run build
- npm publish
OGC API Features Validation
API Features validation can be checked using the OGC Team Engine
- When you have SOFP running, start the team engine test suite in docker:
docker run --network=host ogccite/ets-ogcapi-features10
- Access the team engine via a browser http://localhost:8081/teamengine/
- Log in to teamengine (login
) - Create new test session, select: organisation = OGC, specification = OGC API - Features 1.0, click "start new test session"
- Enter location of landing page (for example http://localhost:3000/sofp)
- Click "start"
Building a docker image of the sofp-core (deprecated)
To build a local version of the docker image:
docker build --no-cache -t sofp/core .
To start the local image (removing the container when stopped):
docker run --rm -p sofp/core
This project is using Semaphore CI:
OGC API Features Validation
API Features validation can be checked using the OGC Team Engine
- When you have SOFP running, start the team engine test suite in docker:
docker run --network=host ogccite/ets-ogcapi-features10
- Access the team engine via a browser http://localhost:8081/teamengine/
- Log in to teamengine (login
) - Create new test session, select: organisation = OGC, specification = OGC API - Features 1.0, click "start new test session"
- Enter location of landing page (for example http://localhost:3000/sofp)
- Click "start"