
SOFP is a lightweight OGC API Features server. It was originally developed for meteorological data and prototyping observation features data models.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sofpCore from '';



This is a OGC API Features server originally developed for distributing meteorological data using an encoding that will be calle simple observation features. The core project only serves as a proxy to a backend implementation that provides access to data. Deployment strategy is dockerized so that the sofp-core will produce a docker image that a backend implementation may build on top of.

Build Status

© 2018-2020 Vaisala Corporation

To release

To release a new version, do the following:

  1. Bump the version appropriately in package.json
  2. Commit and push all changes
  3. rm -r dist/
  4. npm run build
  5. npm publish

OGC API Features Validation

API Features validation can be checked using the OGC Team Engine

  1. When you have SOFP running, start the team engine test suite in docker: docker run --network=host ogccite/ets-ogcapi-features10
  2. Access the team engine via a browser http://localhost:8081/teamengine/
  3. Log in to teamengine (login ogctest/ogctest)
  4. Create new test session, select: organisation = OGC, specification = OGC API - Features 1.0, click "start new test session"
  5. Enter location of landing page (for example http://localhost:3000/sofp)
  6. Click "start"

Building a docker image of the sofp-core (deprecated)

To build a local version of the docker image:

docker build --no-cache -t sofp/core .

To start the local image (removing the container when stopped):

docker run --rm -p sofp/core


This project is using Semaphore CI:

OGC API Features Validation

API Features validation can be checked using the OGC Team Engine

  1. When you have SOFP running, start the team engine test suite in docker: docker run --network=host ogccite/ets-ogcapi-features10
  2. Access the team engine via a browser http://localhost:8081/teamengine/
  3. Log in to teamengine (login ogctest/ogctest)
  4. Create new test session, select: organisation = OGC, specification = OGC API - Features 1.0, click "start new test session"
  5. Enter location of landing page (for example http://localhost:3000/sofp)
  6. Click "start"