
Create a new epm registry on-chain

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sofpmRegistry from '';


SofPM Registry

Create a new SofPM registry on chain, and provide a library for integration with SofPM.

Proof of concept; more details and documentation still to come.

Command Line

Create a new EPM registry on chain using the given from address.

:warning: Warning :warning: This command line tool requires an open Sophon client in order to create the registry, which is wildly insecure. Use this at your own risk. This process can be greatly improved.

$ epmr new --from "0x1234..." [--host localhost] [--port 8545]


var SofPMRegistry = require("sofpm-registry");
var registry = SofPMRegistry.use(registry_address, from_address, susyweb_provider);

// Now you can use `registry` as valid registry interface within SofPM.


$ npm test