
Soft CSS is a good template for any project. It will reset browser styles and add a grid.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import softCss from '';


Soft CSS

Soft CSS is a good template for any project. It will reset browser styles and add a grid.

Getting started


Install using npm

npm install soft-css

Import soft-css into your sass file:

@import soft-css


Refresh styles

Resets the default browser styles. Key changes:

  • box-sizing: border-box for everything
  • body {margin: 0}
  • Bold headings
  • Work with picture
  • Neat inputs on IOS
  • No minimum input width, and fixed textarea width
  • Font sizes in inputs and buttons have been fixed

Grid layout

Soft CSS has a default grid, but you can customize it. To do this, add the $breakpoints-list variable above the file import. $breakpoints-list is an array containing objects that contain: prefix, width and padding.

Note that there is two padding around the edges of the screen. An example of a standard $breakpoints-list (similar to bootstrap, but with different paddings):

// (Prefix, minimum screen width, padding)
$breakpoints-list: (null, null, 16px), (sm, 540px, 20px), (md, 768px, 30px), (lg, 992px, 30px), (xl, 1200px, 40px)

Note that the first breakpoint should not have a prefix and a minimum width.

In Soft-CSS there are two types of grids: on css grids and on flexbox. The grid on the grid is needed to create a block with cards (suppose a list of posts or products in a store), it is very convenient because you do not need to think about horizontal paddings, and besides, it does not have a layer in the form of .row; the flex grid is similar to bootstrap and is used in all other cases.

The entire grid is wrapped with container or container-fluid class. The width of the container is limited by paddings, so you can use a padding background right on the container. You can also use class ="container grid" to generate a box grid.

Grid layout example:

<div class="container grid">
    <div class="col-6"></div>
    <div class="col-6"></div>

Flexbox layout example:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-6"></div>
        <div class="col-6"></div>

Warning: the container can only be assigned top and bottom paddings, and only as padding-top and padding-bottom. If you add padding: 30px 0 everything will break


Font sizes are set to rem. The sizes of the headers are placed in a variable, it can be changed by analogy with $breakpoints-list:

// (HTML tag, size in rem)
$titleSizes: (h1: 4.5, h2: 3, h3: 2.25, h4: 1.5, h5: 1, h6: 1)


// Grid classes
.container, .container-fluid // For content wrapping
.row // Used inside a container, creates a flex wrapper
.grid // Creates a grid wrapper
.grid-gap // Adds gap padding to your grid block
.col-1 — .col-12,
.col-prefix-1 — .col-prefix-12 // To add width to blocks, the prefix is taken from $breakpoints-list
.col-auto // Auto width, only works with flex
.col-fill // Fills all remaining space, only works with flex
.offset-1 — .offset-prefix-11 // Shifts col to the right, only works with flex

// Typography classes
.text-align-left, .text-align-center, .text-align-right

// Helper classes
.align-items-start, .align-items-center, .align-items-end, .align-items-unset
.justify-content-start, .justify-content-center, .justify-content-end, .justify-content-unset,
.justify-content-around, .justify-content-between, .justify-content-evenly
.justify-items-start, .justify-items-center, .justify-items-end, .justify-items-unset
.align-self-start, .align-self-center, .align-self-end, .align-self-unset // Content position

.d-none, .d-block, .d-flex, .d-grid, .d-inline-block, .d-inline-flex // Display mode

.h-10, .h-25, .h-50, .h-75, .h-100 // Height in percent
.w-10, .w-25, .w-50, .w-75, .w-100 // Width in percent


With soft-css, you can use two css variables:

--width /* Content width */
--padding /* Padding at current resolution */

This is how you can use grid positions anywhere you want:

  padding-bottom: var(--padding)

  margin-right: calc(var(--padding) / 2)