
Solidity Flattener

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solFlattener from '';


Solidity Flattener

This command-line utility flattens and/or merges Solidity files.

Getting Started

sudo npm install -g sol-flattener

CLI Arguments

  1. Path to the source file.
  2. Path to generate the flattened file to.
  3. Search paths.
  4. Remove redundant empty lines. Default: false.

How to Use sol-flattener?

On your project root, run the following command.

sol-flattener ./contracts/Token.sol ./flattened/Token.sol .,../node_modules

Configuration File

Alternatively, you can create sol-flattener.json configuration file in your project root.

  "source": "../vesting-schedule/contracts/VestingSchedule.sol",
  "destination": "../vesting-schedule/flattened/VestingSchedule.sol",
  "search": "./,../node_modules",
  "removeRedundantEmptyLines": true

and then call sol-flattener instead of passing any command line argument.