Alternative to the console log which automatically beautifies the output
Solace is particularly useful if you intend:
- to debug some data.
- to display some data for a CLI.
Solace has a specific support for string, boolean, number, date, regex, null, void, error, NaN, object, array and will deal with these types in a pleasant way.
By default, the output is expected to be stdout/stderr, but you can override this to implement more advanced logging.
The theme (machine, beautiful, outline) can be changed at runtime, which can be a handy option for the user of a CLI.
$ npm install --save solace
import solaceCreator from 'solace';
const solace = solaceCreator({
//standardOut: process.stdout,
//standardErr: process.stderr,
//defaultTheme: 'beautiful'
const value = {
a: 12
b: ['jan', 'feb', 'mar'],
c: true,
d: new Date()
solace.log('Some data nicely arranged:');
solace.log(value, {title: 'title', theme: 'outline'});
- machine: Format the output in a compact manner easily readable by a machine.
- beautiful: Format the output in a beautiful manner.
- outline: Format the output with the main outlines. If the data is an array of objects, it may be displayed as a table.
Example of beautiful output:
Example of outline output:
MIT © flarebyte