
Solar System that uses planets and their sizes as values for a bar graph

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solarsystemGraph from '';



Gif of what it looks like

Solar System that uses planets as values for a bar graph of sorts


To use the graph simply install the package with npm.

npm install --save solarsystem-graph

Import the library into your project and setup the solar system graph by providing it a list of planetary like objects.

import SolarSystemGraph from 'solarsystem-graph'

SolarSystemGraph(document.getElementById('solarsystem-graph'), [
        id: 2,
        importance: Math.random(),
        scale: Math.random(),
        onHover: function() {
            document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = 'The Secret Life of Bees';
        onClick: function() {
            document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = 'Loading The Secret Life of Bees';
        id: 3,
        importance: Math.random(),
        scale: Math.random(),
        onHover: function() {
            document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = 'Das Buch der Bilder';
        onClick: function() {
            document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = 'Loading Das Buch der Bilder';
        id: 4,
        importance: Math.random(),
        scale: Math.random(),
        onHover: function() {
            document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = 'Das Knaben Wunderhorn';
        onClick: function() {
            document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = 'Loading Das Knaben Wunderhorn';

The planetary like objects contain several bits of information, the id of the planet, its level of importance and scale, an onHover function, and an onClick function. The importance reflects the distance of the planet from the sun. The scale represents the size of the planet.