SOLCLI - Ultimate cli for Solidity projects
Install solcli as a global CLI.
npm install -g solcli
cd <your-repo-location>
# Then you run
solcli -p <name-of-your-project>
This should setup a project with all the necessary folders and files.
# Create a setup for your Solidity project
solcli -p <your-project-name>
solcli --project <your-project-name>
# Create a default Solidity contract
solcli -c <your-contract-name>
solcli --contract <your-contract-name>
Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Feel free to place an issue.
First fork this project.
git clone <your-forked-repo>
npm install
git checkout -b my-fix
# fix some code...
git commit -m "added this feature"
git push origin my-fix
Lastly, open a pull request on Github.