
Another attempt to make tiddlywiki a frontend for SoLiD Server.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solidTiddlywikiSyncadaptor from '';



Another attempt to make tiddlywiki a frontend for SoLiD Server.

What this project does

TiddlyWiki is a programmable notebook with lots of plugins and potential (for example becomes Jupyter notebook's alternative).

SoLiD is a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles.

SoLiD POD (Person Owned Data) is a great place to store TiddlyWiki Tiddlers (executable Note with metadata). By using this SyncAdaptor, you can sync TiddlyWiki data between mobile phone and computer, enable partial wiki sharing (sharing only a part of your wiki), collaborating (by allowing your friends write to your SoLiD POD).

Library usage

You have to config you wiki to use this plugin by your self:

  1. Add solid-tiddlywiki-syncadaptor to plugins field in the in your wiki folder, similar what can be done by scripts/addToPluginList.js.
  2. Add $:/plugins/linonetwo/solid-tiddlywiki-syncadaptor/about to the /$__DefaultTiddlers.tid as what scripts/createDefaultTiddlers.js will do.

Files stored on the POD

Only user modified tiddlers will be synced to the SoLiD POD, likes $:/StoryList and other user created tiddlers.

Data structure

This sync adapter will create some folders (containers) to store your tiddlers, each container is actually a web page with RDF inside, representing an array of SkinnyTiddlers (SkinnyTiddlers is used by SyncAdaptor, describing what tiddlers you have in the backend, with all metadata of those tiddlers, without text of those tiddlers).

Files inside folders contains the text field of tiddlers.

Please set a location to store tiddler before you login

Containers can located at /public/tiddlywiki/main for example, you must set at least one location in $:/ControlPanel/Saving's SoLiD SyncAdaptor tab's TWContainers field, before you can login in the $:/ControlPanel/Saving.

you can add more than one index files in the $:/ControlPanel/Saving, each in a new line, for example, add a /private/tiddlywiki/main and a /private/tiddlywiki/shareWithGirlFriend, so it will be:


Note that this config field is located in $:/plugins/linonetwo/solid-tiddlywiki-syncadaptor/TWContainers and will also be sync to your POD, it's better to set this file public for convenience.

If you can not access private resources


starting from version 5, third-party apps are untrusted by default. To trust a third-party app, before you can log in to it, you first need to go to your profile at (important to include the ‘#me’ there), and then hover over the ‘card’ header to reveal the context menu. From there, select the ‘A’ symbol to go to your trusted applications pane, where you can whitelist third-party apps before using them. See also solid/node-solid-server/issues/1142 about streamlining this UX flow.

You should trust http://localhost:8080, not http://localhost:8080/.

trust app in solid config



StoryList is the ordering of main page tiddlers, if you check the UseServerStoryList checkbox in the config, then on startup, tiddler wiki will load StoryList from the server, restore previous session.

UML of StoryList loading

More Feature

Readonly POD

We can specific a POD to load tiddlers, even wiki user may visit without write permission. In this way, we can let TiddlyWiki be a public blog. Visitors can open your site, and read things in you public POD.

SWR PreFetch Content

stale-while-revalidate is a cache invalidation strategy popularized by HTTP RFC 5861.

We only load the metadata of all tiddlers (metadata are also called "skinnytiddlers") at the startup. We then fetch content of all tiddlers from new to old, if "pre-cashing" option is opened in the config.

This pre-fetching will progressively download content using a queue. It will do it quick for the first time, but slower for subsequent fetching.


Share with certain friends

SoLiD have /public and /inbox (or /private), file on /inbox folder (which is a private container) is invisible to anyone not in your Web Access Control List, normally this ACL file is located in /private/tiddlywiki/.acl (?), if you choose to place some your tiddlers inside /private/tiddlywiki. You can change this ACL file using SoLiD's data browser web page, or using other SoLiD Apps, to share some tiddler with limited friends.

Set a tiddler private

You can set a tiddler belongs to a container use solid-sync tiddler field, for example, solid-sync: /private/tiddlywiki/main. If this tiddler field is unset, this sync adaptor will assign one for it, by default the first one in the $:/ControlPanel/Saving's TWContainers field.

solid-sync field accepts string or array, so you can assign a tiddler to more than one container, for example one container for draft, one container for publish.

Local RDF translate

Currently, we translate tiddlywiki metadata from JSON to JSON-LD using a context at the beginning of SyncAdaptor.js, and translate JSON-LD to Turtle (n3) using rdf-translator npm package, which will send POST request to a web service of alexstolz/rdf-translator which is written in python, which make it unable to work on local mode (save to a localhost SoLiD POD without internet access).

We can use rdflib to translate RDF, after its issue is solved.

Speed up loading

Currently, loadSkinnyTiddlers() will load tons of metadata file at the start up, which is resource consuming.

loadSkinnyTiddlers loading metadata files from SoLiD POD

We might use a corn job to group all metadata file into a single file, so the loading will speed up.

Or we can use a single metadata file, and use PATCH to update it in small grain.

Or we can ask Node SoLiD Server to support HTTP2.

Full text search on SoLiD POD is currently impossible, and is hard on TW

Collaborating should consider diff and conflict

I think a simple way to prevent conflict is letting people working on several different tiddlers, and transclude them together.

To prevent people editing same file, maybe you can use webrtc or libp2p to indicate a tiddler is currently being editing, thus prevent people from change it. Just like how Quip lock a line.



npm run start

Will init a local tiddler wiki and copy all tiddlers to the plugins folder inside that wiki, and compile JS code, copy JS bundle to the plugins folder.

npm run dev

Will compile JS and copy JS bundle to the plugins folder, on you save the JS file. A reload of wiki server will be performed to serve the new JS bundle.

Local SoLiD Server

Install mkcert first, then use npm run generate-keys to generate key that SoLiD server needs for https. It will add tiddlywiki.localhost to the key chain, so you need to register a WebID with name tiddlywiki.

Run npm run start:solid to start a local test server, you can register WebID here: https://localhost:8443

Then add tiddlywiki.localhost to /etc/hosts, other wise you will not be able to open https://tiddlywiki.localhost:8443.

Finally, you can put your localhost WebID https://tiddlywiki.localhost:8443 after click the syncAdaptor config login button.



how to use comunica bindingsStream


Some APIs are in and some are in For example, SyncAdaptorModules.

General discussions are in tiddlywiki google groups and discord.

Advanced topics can be asked in tiddlywiki dev google groups.

Other SyncAdaptor


syncer.js that calls this SyncAdaptor

possible custom data from SyncAdaptor

File manipulation on SoLiD POD


SoLiD Design Style Guide from Inrupt


I've learnt the code of bourgeoa's tiddlywiki-node-solid-server