What is it?
It is a small utility that glues smart-contracts in solidity language and your favorite testing framework. This utility taking care of compiling and deploying them to the ethreumjs-testrpc blockchain emulator.
Originally it was designed to work with mocha testing framework.
How to write tests?
Same way you usually do. Just specify before
hook with the setup you want. Here is mocha
var config = {
'MyTest': {
args: [ 1 ],
instanceOf: 'Test',
gas: 4e6,
before(done =>, config, done))
In your tests you can do something like
MyTest.myMethod(arg1, arg2, { gas: 4e6, from: testWallets[7] }, (e, r) => console.log(e, r) )
The syntax for config
was inpired by embark framework.
'DeployedContractName': { // name of variable to store contract - (1)
args: [ 1 ], // constructor arguments
instanceOf: 'Test', // contract class name, by default equals to (1)
gas: 4e6, // gas amount, default is in the file `config.json`
from: testWallets[1] // address of a contract that sendds request, `testWallets[0]` by defalut
Apart from contracts deployed according to whatever you've deployed in setup.config
, there is a set of global variables available for your convenience:
-- compiler output (ABI, bytecode, etc)global.testWallets
-- an array with 10 unlocked contracts with non-zero balance
How to run tests?
Depends on your framework. To run example shipped with the utility try
> mocha example-test.js --no-timeouts