
Express.js and Seneca.js based RESTful framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solos from '';



Solos opinionates Express and Feathers to accerate development of RESTful services.


The solos philosophy is that convention (over configuration) is the best accerlerator to developing applications and APIs.

Directory Structure

├── api  <-- configurable root directory - see config
│   ├── alpha.solos.js  <-- (DELETE|GET|PATCH|POST|PUT)
│   ├── alpha
│   │   ├── beta.solos.js  <-- (DELETE...PUT)
│   │   └── me  <-- 'me' is a special directory name that signals route parameters
│   │       ├── beta
│   │       │   └── me
│   │       │       └── gama.solos.js  <-- (DELETE...PUT)
│   │       └── delta.solos.js  <-- (DELETE...PUT)


const express = require('@feathersjs/express');
const feathers = require('@feathersjs/feathers');
const solos = require('solos');
const services = feathers();
const config = {};

// This creates an app that is both, an Express and Feathers app
const app = express(services);

// Turn on JSON body parsing for REST services
// Turn on URL-encoded body parsing for REST services
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// Set up REST transport using Express

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello World!');

Promise.resolve(solos.init(app, config)).then(() => {
  // Set up an error handler that gives us nicer errors

  const server = app.listen(8080, () => {
    const host = server.address().address;
    const port = server.address().port;

    console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host === '::' ? 'localhost' : host, port);


Solos modules must export at least one service method as defined by Feathersjs (See Service documentation):

  • remove(...)
  • get(...)
  • find(...)
  • patch(...)
  • create(...)
  • update(...)

Solos modules may also export hooks that are called as part of the request lifecycle:

  1. receive(context) The beginning of the request lifecycle
  2. validate(context) Validate input and parameters
  3. authorize(context) Ensure the requester can perform the action
  4. before(context) Last chance before request is serviced
  5. after(context) After request is serviced and the end of the lifecycle

Lifecycle hooks may also have a 'service method name' suffix to scope the hook to only that service method. Using a module that exports get(id, params) and find(params) serivce methods as an example:

  • receive(context) called for both get and find service requests
  • receive_get(context) called for only get service requests
  • receive_find(context) called for only find serivce requests

Exported functions are called in the following order:

  1. receive(context)
  2. receive_[remove|get|find|patch|create|update](context)
  3. validate(context)
  4. validate_[remove|get|find|patch|create|update](context)
  5. authorize(context)
  6. authorize_[remove|get|find|patch|create|update](context)
  7. before(context)
  8. before_[remove|get|find|patch|create|update](context)
  9. [remove|get|find|patch|create|update](...)
  10. after(context)
  11. after_[remove|get|find|patch|create|update](context)

The 'context' parameter has properties documented by Feathersjs (see Hook documentation). It has an addtional log property. log.debug() for general debugging and log.trace() for detailed tracing - both are from the debug module.

The mapping between HTTP Methods and service methods are defined by Featherjs (see REST documentation).

Example solos service (endpoint.solos.js)

'use strict';

 * Lifecycle function name that indicates a request to execute the method has been received.
 * The request has been authenticated **BUT NOT authorized** as this point
 * in the lifecycle.  This is called for every service method.
exports.receive = async function receive(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'receive',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name that indicates a request to execute the method has been received.
 * The request has been authenticated **BUT NOT authorized** as this point
 * in the lifecycle.
exports.receive_find = async function receive_find(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'receive_find',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name for validating the user input.
 * This is called for every service method.
exports.validate = async function validate(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'validate',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name for validating the user input.
exports.validate_find = async function validate_find(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'validate_find',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name for authorizing the user to endpoint.
 * This is called for every service method.
exports.authorize = async function authorize(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'authorize',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name for authorizing the user to endpoint.
exports.authorize_find = async function authorize_find(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'authorize_find',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name for pre-processing the request.
 * This is called for every service method.
exports.before = async function before(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'before',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name for pre-processing the request.
exports.before_find = async function before_find(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'before_find',
  return context;

 * Function name for processing the request.
 * JSON returned from this call is sent to the client.
exports.find = async function find(params, log) {
  log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'find',
  return { params };

 * Lifecycle function name for post-processing and cleanup.
 * This is only called if the serivce method was called.
 * This is called for every service method.
exports.after = async function after(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'after',
  return context;

 * Lifecycle function name for post-processing and cleanup.
 * This is only called if the service method was called.
exports.after_find = async function after_find(context) {
  context.log.debug('Callback successful', {
    method: 'after_find',
  return context;


Solos configuration opject for solos.init(app, config) can have the following properties:

  • directory: '...' - the full path to the directory to scan for solos files, defaults to current working directory
  • globby: {...} - the configuration passed to globby module, see its docs:
    • {globs: ['**/*.solos.js', '!node_modules/**/*'], absolute: true} the default is all solos.js files in subdirectories with absolute file names
  • hooks:{...} has two properties before and after
    • before: ['receive', 'validate', 'authorize', 'before', ] the callback before hooks, in the order called
    • after: ['after', ] the callback after hooks, in the order called


npm install solos


  • Coming Soon

Docs & Community

  • Coming Soon


To view an example, clone the solos repo and install the dependencies:

git clone git:// --depth 1
cd solos
npm install

Then run the example:

npm start


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

npm install
npm test


List of all contributors


Copyright (c) 2016 Coder by Blood, Inc; Licensed under MIT