solr-client - a node.js solr client
Install the library with:
npm install solr-client
yarn add solr-client
Node.js version 12+ is supported. Solr versions 3-8 are supported.
- See the official documentation for more details.
- If you are upgrading from an earlier version, please see the migration guide.
- You can also check out the changelog.
Usage (callback API in 0.9.0 and older)
// Load dependency
const solr = require('solr-client');
// Create a client
const client = solr.createClient();
// Add a new document
const obj = await client.add({ id : 12, title_t : 'Hello' });
console.log('Solr response:', obj);
Usage (promise API in 0.10.0+`)
// Load dependency
const solr = require('solr-client');
// Create a client
const client = solr.createClient();
// Add a new document
const obj = await client.add({ id : 12, title_t : 'Hello' });
console.log('Solr response:', obj);
v0.3.x - v0.x.x
- Implement all features available in Solr 4 (SolrCloud API in particular)
- Provide all low-level commands
- Complete documentation
- First stable version
- the API is frozen until v2.0.x, only new features and bug fixes can be introduced
Tests are executed against a Solr instance in a Docker container.
To execute them on latest supported Solr version, run:
npm run solr:current:start
npm run test:current
If you want to execute them on oldest Solr version supported, run:
npm run solr:legacy:start
npm run test:legacy
Test coverage
Before to be able to run the command below, you will need to install jscoverage available here.
npm run-script test-cov
This command will generate a file named coverage.html
, use your browser to visualize it.
Static analysis and complexity report
npm run-script report
(The MIT License)
Copyright 2011-2012 HipSnip Limited Copyright 2013-2014 Rémy Loubradou