
A TypeScript client for Solr

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solrts from '';



Build status on Travis License: ISC

A TypeScript client for Solr

Using Solr from JavaScript clients may be straightforward but Solr uses shorthand url parameters to specify your desires which tend to lead to hard to read search logic in your application quickly. We were in desperate need of a TypeScript library that:

  • prevents url parameter concatenation
  • facades knowledge of shorthand Solr/Lucene terminology
  • leads to search logic that reads like a book
  • does not have any dependencies

The library follows a prepare-execute pattern: you first specify different parts of the desired operation and then execute it. During execution the library will transform your input to an actual Solr url, post it to Solr and return Solr's response as a json object. You are on your own interpreting that response.


The examples intentionally left out error handling.


create configset

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrConfigSetOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).configsetOperation;
solrConfigSetOperation.prepareUpload(NameThatConfigsetShouldHaveInSolr, NameOfZipFileThatContainsConfigset);
await solrConfigSetOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);

You can find more examples in the unit tests (configset.spec.ts)

create collection

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrCollectionOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).collectionOperation;
solrCollectionOperation.numShards(1).prepareCreate(NameThatCollectionShouldHaveInSolr, NameOfConfigsetThatShouldBeUsedForCollection);
await solrCollectionOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);

You can find more examples in the unit tests (collection.spec.ts)

create alias

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrAliasOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).aliasOperation;
solrAliasOperation.prepareCreate(NameOfTheAliasThatYouWantYourCollectionToBeExposedUnder), ArrayWithOneOrMoreCollectionsThatShouldBeExposedUnderTheAliasname);
await solrAliasOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);

You can find more examples in the unit tests (alias.spec.ts)


add one or more objects

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrIndexOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).indexOperation;'AnExistingCollection').prepareBulk(ArrayOfObjectsThatContainPropertiesThatCorrespondToTheSchema, []);
await solrIndexOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);

delete one or more objects

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrIndexOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).indexOperation;'AnExistingCollection').prepareBulk([], ArrayOfObjectsThatContainTheIdOfDocumentsThatShouldBeDeleted);
await solrIndexOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);

You can find more examples in the unit tests (index.spec.ts)


search everything

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrSearchOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).searchOperation;'AnExistingCollection');
const solrAnswer: any = await solrSearchOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);
if (solrAnswer && solrAnswer.response && {
    // do something with the docs

search for a term in all fields

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrSearchOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).searchOperation;
    .for(new LuceneQuery().term('OneOrMoreSearchTerms')
const solrAnswer: any = await solrSearchOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);
if (solrAnswer && solrAnswer.response && {
    // do something with the docs

search for a term in a specific field

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrSearchOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).searchOperation;
    .for(new LuceneQuery().term('OneOrMoreSearchTerms').in('SpecificField'))
const solrAnswer: any = await solrSearchOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);
if (solrAnswer && solrAnswer.response && {
    // do something with the docs

search with paging

import { SolrClient } from 'solrts';
const solrSearchOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).searchOperation;
const solrAnswer: any = await solrSearchOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);
if (solrAnswer && solrAnswer.response && {
    // do something with the docs

filter search results

filter on a value in a specific field
import { SolrClient, SearchFilter } from 'solrts';
const solrSearchOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).searchOperation;
    .filter(new SearchFilter(FieldNameYouWantToFilterOn).equals(ValueThatAllDocumentsInResponseShouldHaveForThisField))
const solrAnswer: any = await solrSearchOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);
if (solrAnswer && solrAnswer.response && {
    // do something with the docs
filter on multiple values (or) in a specific field
import { SolrClient, SearchFilter } from 'solrts';
const solrSearchOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).searchOperation;
    .filter(new SearchFilter(FieldNameYouWantToFilterOn).ors(ArrayOfValuesOfWhichAllDocumentsInResponseShouldContainAtLeastOnOfForThisField))
const solrAnswer: any = await solrSearchOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);
if (solrAnswer && solrAnswer.response && {
    // do something with the docs
filter on a range of values in a specific field
import { SolrClient, SearchFilter } from 'solrts';
const solrSearchOperation = new SolrClient(8.5).searchOperation;
    .filter(new SearchFilter(FieldNameYouWantToFilterOn).from(FromValue).to(ToValue))
const solrAnswer: any = await solrSearchOperation.execute(IpOrHostnameOfASolrNode, PortNumberWhereThatSolrNodeListensOn);
if (solrAnswer && solrAnswer.response && {
    // do something with the docs

You can find more search examples in the unit tests (search.spec.ts)


View the queries that are being made by setting the env parameter DEBUG.

DEBUG=solrts:* node YourScript

set DEBUG=soltrs:* & node YourScript


  • support for advanced search term logic (with lots of ands and ors)
  • sort on multiple expressions
  • dismax and edismax query parsers
  • advanced cluster communication. This library does not yet make use of the cluster meta information that is maintained by Zookeeper. It just connects with the specified node which may need to redirect the search request to the host that has the data you're requesting