
useful regex functions for south africa

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import southAfricaRegex from '';




south-africa-regex is a collection of typescript regex (or similar) functions specific to South Africa.

Currently, the bundle size is much larger than it should be. So I recommend just taking the regex directly.

  • Identity Document
  • Tax Income Number
  • VAT Number
  • Geographic Phone Numbers
  • Non-Geographic Phone Numbers
  • Cell Phone Numbers
  • Luhn Algorithm (not specific to South Africa 😛)


import { isValidIdNumber } from "south-africa-regex";
const { error, msg } = isValidIdNumber("9202204720082");
if (error) {
    // do something


export const CompanyDetailsSchema = Yup.object().shape({
    idNumber:  Yup.string()
        .test("test-name", "Validation failure message", function (value) {

            const { path, createError } = this;
            const { error, msg } = isValidIdNumber(value);

            if (error) {
                return  createError({ path, message:  msg });

            return  true;


Identity Number

  • Usual validation for an identity number except the citizen value can be [0, 1, 2] with the latter representing a refugee.
  • This is then validated with a Luhn algorithm .




  const leapYears = /(?:([02468][048])|(?:[13579][26]))/
  const normalYears = /(?:([02468][1235679])|(?:[123569][01345789]))/
  const month31 = /(?:(?:0[13578]|1[02])(?:0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))/
  const month30 = /(?:(?:0[469]|11)(?:0[1-9]|[12]\d|30))/
  const month29 = /(?:02(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-9]))/
  const month28 = /(?:02(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]))/

  const leapYearDate = new RegExp(

  const normalYearsDate = new RegExp(

  const fullDate = new RegExp(

  const sex = /\d{4}/;
  const citizen = /[012]/;
  const oldRaceIdentifier = /8/;
  const checkDigit = /\d/;
  const rest = new RegExp(

  const fullRegex = new RegExp(`^((${fullDate.source})(${rest.source}))\

	npm:south-africa-regex | Skypack

Tax Identification Number

  • This is not the same as a VAT number.
  • Also validated by the Luhn algorithm.
  • Info is available here.




code description
(?:0\|1\|2\|3\|9) starts with 0, 1, 2, 3, 9 within a non-capturing group
\d{9} followed by nine numbers

VAT Number

  • This is not the same as a Tax Income number.
  • Although it doesn't state so, it seems like this number also follows a luhn algorithm. All the examples on the info website pass.
  • Info is available here.




code description
^4 must begin with a four
\d{9}$ followed by nine digits

Cellphone Number

  • Cellphone numbers that a normal person can own.
  • Cellphone numbers are non-geographic and have the following beginning 3 digits: 060 to 084 but excluding 075 and 080.
  • Info is available here from page 21 onwards.




code description
(?:\+27\|0) calling code or international code within a non-capture group
(?:6\d\|7[0-4]\|7[6-9]\|8[1-4]) 2nd and 3rd digits (which can be (60-74), (76-79), (81-84), for cellphone numbers) within a non-capture group
\d{7} 7 normal digits

Geographic Number

  • What is commonly referred to as a landline.
  • As opposed to non-geographic numbers, the 2nd digit can only be one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • Info available here at page 21.


code description
(?:\+27\|0) calling code or international code within a non-capture group
[1-5] 2nd digit (which can be 1,2,3,4,5 for geographic numbers)
\d{8} 8 normal digits

Non-Geographic Number

  • This includes normal cellphone numbers, toll-free services, inbound services, VoIP, Mass calling services, future non-geopgraphic services, premium rated services including adult services, machine related services.
  • Info available here at page 21, 24-26.




code description
(?:\+27\|0) calling code or international code within non-capture group
[6-9] 2nd digit which can be 6,7,8,9 for geographic numbers
\d{8} 8 normal digits

Geographic or Non-Geographic Number

  • Valid number (Geographic or non-geographic).
  • Info available here at page 21 onwards.




code description
(?:\+27\|0) calling code or international code without capture group
[1-9] 2nd digit cannot be zero
\d{8} last 8 digits can be any numbers

Luhn Algorithm

Taken and slightly modified from here


The bundle size is much larger than it should be. This is something that will be addressed.


south-africa-regex is GPLv3 licensed