
Instantiate SPARQL query templates based on given substitution parameters

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sparqlQueryParameterInstantiator from '';


SPARQL Query Parameter Instantiator

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Instantiate SPARQL query templates based on given substitution parameters.

For example, given a SPARQL query template and a CSV file, it can generate multiple instantiations of this template based on the CSV rows.


SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. }

CSV file:


The resulting queries for the instantiation of ?s for a count of 3:

SELECT * WHERE { <ex:s1> ?p ?o. }

SELECT * WHERE { <ex:s2> ?p ?o. }

SELECT * WHERE { <ex:s3> ?p ?o. }

Queries per template are separated by empty newlines.


$ npm install -g sparql-query-parameter-instantiator


$ yarn global add sparql-query-parameter-instantiator


Invoke from the command line

This tool can be used on the command line as sparql-query-parameter-instantiator, which takes as single parameter the path to a config file:

$ sparql-query-parameter-instantiator path/to/config.json

Config file

The config file that should be passed to the command line tool has the following JSON structure:

  "@context": "^1.0.0/components/context.jsonld",
  "@id": "urn:sparql-query-parameter-instantiator:default",
  "@type": "QueryInstantiator",
  "QueryInstantiator:_count": 5,
  "QueryInstantiator:_providers": [
      "@type": "QueryTemplateProvider",
      "QueryTemplateProvider:_templateFilePath": "path/to/template1.sparql",
      "QueryTemplateProvider:_destinationFilePath": "path/to/output.sparql",
      "QueryTemplateProvider:_variables": [
          "@type": "VariableTemplateNamedNode",
          "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_name": "person",
          "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_substitutionProvider": {
            "@type": "SubstitutionProviderCsv",
            "SubstitutionProviderCsv:_csvFilePath": "path/to/params.csv",
            "SubstitutionProviderCsv:_columnName": "person"

The important parts in this config file are:

  • "QueryInstantiator:_count": How many times each query template should be instantiated.
  • "QueryInstantiator:_providers" A list of query templates.
  • "QueryTemplateProvider:_templateFilePath": The path to a SPARQL (text) file.
  • "QueryTemplateProvider:_destinationFilePath": The path of the text file that will be created with the instantiated queries (seperated by empty lines).
  • "QueryTemplateProvider:_variables": An array of variables that have to be instantiated.
  • "*:_substitionProvider": A provider of values for this variable.


Variable Templates

A variable template indicates a variable in the template query that must be instantiated with certain values.

Named Node Variable Template

A variable template that always produces IRIs.

  "QueryTemplateProvider:_variables": [
      "@type": "VariableTemplateNamedNode",
      "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_name": "person",
      "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_substitutionProvider": { ... }


  • "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_name": The name of the variable in the SPARQL query template to instantiate (without ? prefix).
  • "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_substitionProvider": A provider of substitution values.
  • "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_valueTransformers": An optional array of value transformers.

Literal Variable Template

A variable template that always produces literals.

  "QueryTemplateProvider:_variables": [
      "@type": "VariableTemplateLiteral",
      "VariableTemplateLiteral:_name": "person",
      "VariableTemplateLiteral:_language": "en-us",
      "VariableTemplateLiteral:_datatype": "",
      "VariableTemplateLiteral:_substitutionProvider": { ... }


  • "VariableTemplateLiteral:_name": The name of the variable in the SPARQL query template to instantiate (without ? prefix).
  • "VariableTemplateLiteral:_language": (Optional) The language for produced literals.
  • "VariableTemplateLiteral:_datatype": (Optional) The datatype for produced literals.
  • "VariableTemplateLiteral:_substitutionProvider": A provider of substitution values.
  • "VariableTemplateLiteral:_valueTransformers": An optional array of value transformers.

Substitution Providers

Substitution providers supply values for substituting variables in a query template.

CSV Substitution Provider

Provides values from a CSV file.

  "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_substitutionProvider": {
    "@type": "SubstitutionProviderCsv",
    "SubstitutionProviderCsv:_csvFilePath": "path/to/params.csv",
    "SubstitutionProviderCsv:_columnName": "person"


  • "SubstitutionProviderCsv:_csvFilePath": File path to a CSV file.
  • "SubstitutionProviderCsv:_columnName": The column name of the CSV file to extract values from.
  • "SubstitutionProviderCsv:_separator": (Optional) Column separator.

Static Substitution Provider

Provides values statically by defining them directly in the config file.

  "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_substitutionProvider": {
    "@type": "SubstitutionProviderStatic",
    "SubstitutionProviderStatic:_values": [


  • "SubstitutionProviderStatic:_values": An array of values to provide.

Value Transformers

Value transformers can be attached to variable templates for modifying a value originating from a substitution provider.

Replace IRI Value Transformer

A value transformer that that replaces (parts of) IRIs.

  "VariableTemplateNamedNode:_valueTransformers": [
      "@type": "ValueTransformerReplaceIri",
      "ValueTransformerReplaceIri:_searchRegex": "^",
      "ValueTransformerReplaceIri:_replacementString": "http://localhost:3000/"


  • "ValueTransformerReplaceIri:_searchRegex": The regex to search for.
  • "ValueTransformerReplaceIri:_replacementString": The string to replace.


This software is written by Ruben Taelman.

This code is released under the MIT license.