
A small DOM querying and manipulation library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import spatieDom from '';



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A small DOM querying and manipulation library.

Spatie is a webdesign agency based in Antwerp, Belgium. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on our website.


You can install the package via yarn:

yarn add spatie-dom


Querying the DOM

The DOM can be queried with query and queryAll, which are wrappers around querySelector and querySelectorAll.

Querying an element in document:

<div id="app"></div>
const app = query('#app'); // Returns a `HTMLElement`

Querying a collection of elements:

queryAll returns a plain array instead of the usual NodeList collection

<div id="main">
const articles = queryAll('#main > article'); // Returns an array `Array<HTMLElement>`

query and queryAll also accept a scope as their second argument (by default, the scope is document).

<div id="main">
const main = query('#main'); // Returns a `HTMLElement`
const header = query('h1', main); // Also returns a `HTMLElement`

Retrieving 'props'

Props are DOM attributes that exist to be consumed by scripts. Props behave just like attributes, except they get parsed as JSON if prefixed by a :.

This syntax is heavily based on what Vue uses for component props

    :config='{ "url": "bar" }'
import { query, prop, props } from  'spatie-dom';

const el = query('#component');

prop(el, 'myProp'); // 'foo'
prop(el, 'config'); // { url: 'bar' }

props(el); // { myProp: 'foo', config: { url: 'bar' }}

Firing events based on the DOM state

The whenReady function calls a function:

  • immediately if the DOM is loaded;
  • otherwise after the document DOMContentLoaded event
import { whenReady } from  'spatie-dom';

whenReady(() => console.log('Ready!'));

The whenLoaded function calls a function:

  • immediately if the DOM and all subresources (scripts, images,...) are loaded;
  • otherwise after the window load event
import { whenLoaded } from  'spatie-dom';

whenLoaded(() => console.log('Loaded!'));

Reading the DOM

There are several functions to read data from the dom.

With attribute you can retrieve an attribute, and with data you can retrieve a data attribute.

<div id="element" data-foo="bar"></div>
import { attribute, data, query };

const el = query('#element');

// Retrieve an attribute
attribute('id', el); // 'element'

// Retrieve an attribute with a fallback value
attribute('class', el, 'active'); // 'active'

// Retrieve a data attribute
data('foo', el); // 'bar'

// Retrieve a data attribute with a fallback value
data('baz', el, 'qux'); // 'qux'

Full API


function attribute(name: string, el: HTMLElement, fallback: string = ''): string


function data(name: string, el: HTMLElement, fallback: string = ''): string


function on(event: string, subject: HTMLElement, handler: Function): string


function prop(el: HTMLElement, name: string, fallback: any = null): any;

function props(el: HTMLElement): Object;


function query(selector: string): HTMLElement | null;
function query(selector: string, scope: HTMLElement | Document): HTMLElement | null;

function queryAll(selector: string): Array<HTMLElement>;
function queryAll(selector: string, scope: HTMLElement | Document): Array<HTMLElement>;


function whenReady(callback: Function): void

function whenLoaded(callback: Function): void

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ npm run test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please contact Sebastian De Deyne instead of using the issue tracker.


About Spatie

Spatie is a webdesign agency based in Antwerp, Belgium. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on our website.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.