
Simple, beautiful spinner.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import spinn3r from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/spinn3r';



Simple, beautiful spinner.


npm install spinn3r


const spinner = require('spinn3r')('Spinning')

setTimeout(() =>
    spinner.update('Still spinning')
, 1000)

setTimeout(() =>
    Math.random() < 0.5
    ? spinner.success('Success')
    : spinner.fail(new Error('Fail'))
, 2000)
  • If success:

  • If fail:


spinner = require('spinn3r')(initialMessage)

> Creates a spinner with the specified message.

  • The spinner automatically starts spinning in an interval of 80 ms.
  • All spinner messages have an indentation of 4 whitespaces left and right.
  • The initial message is prefixed with blue dots as a spinner.


> Updates the spinner with the specified message.

  • The updated message is prefixed with blue dots as a spinner.


> Stops the spinner with the specified success message.

  • The success message is prefixed with a green tick mark.


> Stops the spinner with the specified fail message.

  • If an error is supplied, its stacktrace will be printed.
  • The error message is prefixed with a red cross.


Why are there no options?

  • Because this module is deliberately opinionated. If you are looking for a beautiful spinner with options, please use ora.

Why does this module require Node 6?

  • Because Node 6 has some pretty nice features. If you haven't yet, go check them out.

Does this spinner handle the Windows Command Prompt well?

  • No. For God's sake, don't use the Window Command Prompt.

Will this spinner gracefully not do anything if run in a CI environment?

  • No. Please don't use it in a CI environment.


WTFPL – Do What the F*ck You Want to Public License.

Made with :heart: by @MarkTiedemann.