
A minimal state handling library (for React)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stateMutate from '';



A minimal state handling library (for React)

A mix of 'not invented here'-syndrome and the illusion that redux can reduced (heh!) to something more understandable.


  • Minimalism (65 LOC!)
  • Naming that tries to be helpful
  • Declarative and terse API
  • Asynchronous actions chains built-in

Architecture & Conventions


  1. There is a single global state tree.

  2. Actions describe changes to the state, based on the old state and a parameter.
    There are two kinds of actions:

    • Immediate action:

      function toggleDetailInfo (oldState) {
           return {
              changes: {
                  showDetailInfo: !oldState.showDetailInfo,
    • Asynchronous action with side effect

      function loadArticles (oldState, pageToLoad) {
          return {
              // immediate changes to the state
              changes: {
                  loading: true 
              // the sideEffect does something remotely and returns a Promise
              // (oldState and param can be passed with a closure)
              sideEffect: () => requestArticlesFromBackend(pageToLoad),
              // what to do when the Promise returned by sideEffect resolves
              success: (oldState, result) => ({
                  changes: {
                      articles: oldState.articles.concat(result.articles),
                      loading: false
              // what to do when the Promise is rejected
              failure: (oldState, error) => ({
                  changes: {
                      error: error,
                      loading: false
  3. Mutators define an initial state for a subtree of the global state
    and a collection of actions acting on this subtree.

    const articleMutator = {
        initialState: {
            articles: [],
            loading: false,
            loadedPages: 0;
            error: null,
            showDetailInfo: false
        actions: {
            load: loadArticles,
            toggleDetailInfo: toggleDetailInfo
  4. A single Mutator Map maps mutators to state subtrees.

    const mutatorMap = {
        articles: articleMutator,
        topics: topicsMutator
  5. A Store is created using a Mutator Map, it will set up the initial state given by the mutators.

    import Store from 'state-mutate';
    const store = new Store(mutatorMap);
    • access the state via store.state

      // => false
    • dispatch actions via store.mutate.mutator.action(param, doneCallback)

      store.mutate.articles.load(null, callback);
      // => true
      function callback () {
          // => false
          // => [{id: 4783, title: "An Article", ...}, ...]