
node api for COINS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import steelpenny from '';



nodejs based API for COINS

Basic Install

  1. Install the package: (global install)
  • npm i -g steelpenny
  1. Configure your environment according to the doc
  2. Run the API server:
  • /usr/bin/steelpenny
  • Make sure your user is the same owner as the logs or has group write permission.

Basic Development Install

  1. Configure your environment according to the doc
  2. Install the dependencies:
$ cd /coins/quarterback/packages/steelpenny
$ npm i

If you are a COINS developer, use: sudo -H -u ansible npm i

  1. Run the API:
$ node lib/index.js

Note: Current working directory should be: /coins/quarterback/packages/steelpenny

COINS Internal Usage

  • To start the server as a daemon, ansible-provisioned servers should have startup method:
sudo service steelpenny start
  • To enable monit monitoring:
sudo monit monitor steelpenny

Design Specifications


Please refer to for details about the code structure, and how to add to it.

Response Format

All responses are a JSON string which parses to an object of the following format:

  data: [ ... ],
  error: null | {},
  stats: {will eventually include performance data}

It is worth noting that the data property will always be an array, even if only a single value is requested/retrieved.

The error property will be null if no errors have occurred. If an error did occur, then the error object will take the following form:

  error: '...',
  message: '...',
  statusCode: ###,
  debugData: {custom debug data}


Base URL

All endpoints have a prefix of /api/v#.#.# where v#.#.# is the version in package.json. The one exception to the above rule is GET /api/version, which can be used to retrieve the version via the API itself.


By default, this server starts accepting HTTP connections on port 8080. To use HTTPS, place a reverse proxy server in front of this service. production and staging environments should listen for HTTPS connections on port 443, while development systems should listen on port 8443.

Other Endpoints

Please refer to the swagger documentation that is auto-generated by this repo. To view it, start this server npm start, and navigate to the base url + /swagger/documentation (e.g.


If things aren't working, go down this quick checklist.

  • Is a redis server installed and running locally?

  • Is nginx installed, configured and running locally?

If you miss any of these requirements, remove all node modules and reinstall them after installing the requirements.