
serves a google maps store locator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import storeLocator from '';


Use case

A jQuery plugin to serve a store locator with google maps API.




Classical dom injection

You can simply download the compiled version as zip file here and inject it after needed dependencies:


<script src="" integrity="sha256-slogkvB1K3VOkzAI8QITxV3VzpOnkeNVsKvtkYLMjfk=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!--Inject downloaded file:-->
<script src="/index.compiled.js"></script>
<!--Or integrate via cdn:
<script src=""></script>

The compiled bundle supports AMD, commonjs, commonjs2 and variable injection into given context (UMD) as export format: You can use a module bundler if you want.

Package managed and module bundled

If you are using npm as package manager you can simply add this tool to your package.json as dependency:


"dependencies": {
    "storeLocator": "latest",

After updating your packages you can simply depend on this script and let a module bundler do the hard stuff or access it via a exported variable name into given context.


$ = require('storeLocator')
$('body').StoreLocator().isEquivalentDom('<div>', '<script>') // false


Adding some style to our store locator examples


body.documentation simple-store-locator,
body.documentation advanced-store-locator,
body.documentation {
    width: 100%;
    height: 400px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px
body.documentation simple-store-locator > div,
body.documentation advanced-store-locator > div,
body.documentation > div {
    height: 100%;
body.documentation simple-store-locator input.form-control,
body.documentation advanced-store-locator input.form-control,
body.documentation input.form-control {
    margin-top: 9px;
    width: 230px;
body.documentation simple-store-locator > div,
body.documentation advanced-store-locator > div,
body.documentation > div {
    width: 225px;
    height: 60px;
    padding: 5px;

Load needed dependencies


const dependenciesLoadPromise = documentationWebsiteJQuery.getScript(
).then(() => $.getScript(
    '' +
)).then(() => $.getScript(
    '' +
)).then(() => $.getScript(
    '' +

Simple example


    dependenciesLoadPromise.always(() => $(
        'body simple-store-locator'
    ).StoreLocator({api: {
        // NOTE: You should use your own google maps api key.
        key: 'AIzaSyBAoKgqF4XaDblkRP4-94BITpUKzB767LQ'
<simple-store-locator><input class="form-control"></simple-store-locator>

Advanced example with all available (default) options


    dependenciesLoadPromise.always(() => $(
        'body advanced-store-locator'
        api: {
                '' +
                '?{1}v=3&sensor=false&libraries=places,geometry&' +
            callbackName: null,
            // NOTE: You should use your own google maps api key.
            key: 'AIzaSyBAoKgqF4XaDblkRP4-94BITpUKzB767LQ'
        stores: {
            northEast: {latitude: 85, longitude: 180},
            southWest: {latitude: -85, longitude: -180},
            number: 100,
            generateProperties: (store) => store
        addtionalStoreProperties: {},
        iconPath: '/webAsset/image/storeLocator/',
        defaultMarkerIconFileName: null,
        startLocation: null,
        fallbackLocation: {latitude: 51.124213, longitude: 10.147705},
        ip: null,
        ipToLocation: {
            applicationInterfaceURL: '{1}://{2}',
            timeoutInMilliseconds: 5000,
            bounds: {
                northEast: {latitude: 85, longitude: 180},
                southWest: {latitude: -85, longitude: -180}
        map: {zoom: 3},
        showInputAfterLoadedDelayInMilliseconds: 500,
        input: {
            hide: {opacity: 0},
            showAnimation: [{opacity: 1}, {duration: 'fast'}]
        distanceToMoveByDuplicatedEntries: 0.0001,
        marker: {
            cluster: {
                gridSize: 100, maxZoom: 11, imagePath:
                    '' +
            icon: {
                size: {width: 44, height: 49, unit: 'px'},
                scaledSize: {width: 44, height: 49, unit: 'px'}
        successfulSearchZoom: 12,
        infoWindow: {
            content: null,
            additionalMoveToBottomInPixel: 120,
            loadingContent: '<div class="idle">loading...</div>'
        searchBox: 50,
        onInfoWindowOpen: $.noop,
        onInfoWindowOpened: $.noop,
        onAddSearchResults: $.noop,
        onRemoveSearchResults: $.noop,
        onOpenSearchResults: $.noop,
        onCloseSearchResults: $.noop,
        onMarkerHighlighted: $.noop
    <input class="form-control">

Example with limited traversable area (Germany)


    dependenciesLoadPromise.always(() => {
        const bounds = {
            northEast: {latitude: 55.12, longitude: 14.89},
            southWest: {latitude: 47.32, longitude: 5.50}
            api: {
                // NOTE: You should use your own google maps api key.
                key: 'AIzaSyBAoKgqF4XaDblkRP4-94BITpUKzB767LQ'
            ipToLocation: {bounds},
            limit: {zoom: {minimum: 5}, bounds},
            map: {zoom: 5},
            stores: bounds
<div class="store-locator-with-bounds"><input class="form-control"></div>