
The javascript library for story scroll interactions with html5 canvas.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import storyscroll from '';



The javascript library for story scroll interactions with html5 canvas.


Example - Time

Example - Train

Example - Moutain

See more with: npm run demo


Option 1: npm
If you prefer the node package manager, feel free to use it.
Keep in mind that like with bower non-crucial files will be ignored (see above).

npm install storyscroll

Option 2: Bower
Please mind that since they are not core dependencies, you will have to add frameworks like GSAP, PIXI manually, should you choose to use them.

Include the core library in your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


import StoryScroll from 'storyscroll'

// init controller
const story = new StoryScroll ({
    direction: 'x',
    width: 750,
    length: 20000,
    bgcolor: 0x000000

// create a sprite
const sprite = story.sprite(require('./images/sprite.png'), {x:40, y:540}).actionByStep({x: 0,y:400}, 300, 100);


  • direction: x|y scroll direction, default: y
  • width: (number) design width, default: 750
  • length: (number) design length, default: 10000
  • bgcolor: 0xFFFFFF background color, default is tranparent
  • container: #id DOM selector, default: body
  • loader: (boolean) enable loader, default: false
  • delay: (number) delays of first animation with 0 position after loader loaded, default: 500(ms)
  • antialias: (boolean) HD quality with more GPU, default: false
  • progressive: (boolean) incremental loading of sprite to stage, default: false
  • debug: (boolean) output scroll position in console, default: false

Create sprite:

story.sprite(image, props);
  • image: (string) image URL
  • props: (json) target props of PIXI.Sprite

Create video sprite:

story.spriteVideo(video, props);
  • video: (string) video URL
  • props: (json) target props of PIXI.Sprite
    • props.hasVideoButton: (boolean) add play button, default: true

Create animated sprite:

story.spriteAnimated(source, props, autoPlay);
  • source: (string|array) texture json URL, or images URL array
  • props: (json) initial props of PIXI.AnimatedSprite
  • autoPlay: (boolean) default: false

Create chapter for sprites:

let chapter = story.chapter(props).actionByStep({x:-800}, 3200-310, 310);
    let sprite1 = chapter.sprite(require("@/images/part1/telegraph_pole1.png"), {x:0, y:0,});
    let sprite2 = chapter.sprite(require("@/images/part1/telegraph_pole21.png"), {x:2000, y:0,});

Action by moving a position:

sprite.actionByStep(props, section, triggerPosition);
  • props: (json) target props of sprite or container
  • section: (number) section distance of moving with animation
  • triggerPosition: (number) move to where to trigger the animation, default: (position of this sprite)

Play animatedSprite by moving a position:

let sprite = story.spriteAnimated("man.json", {x:0,y:100}, false);
sprite.playByStep({from, to[, speed]}, section, triggerPosition);
  • from: (number) start frame of the animatedSprite
  • to: (number) end frame of the animatedSprite
  • speed: (number) section distance of from - to. If set, animatedSprite will repeat animating
  • section: (number) section distance of moving with animation
  • triggerPosition: (number) move to where to trigger the animation, default: (position of this sprite)



Support to setup a progressor with PIXI.Loader.

// init controller
const story = new StoryScroll ({
    loader: true,
    delay: 800

// create a sprite
const sprite1 = story.sprite(require('./images/sprite.png'), {x:40, y:540});
const sprite2 = story.sprite(require('./images/sprite.png'), {x:80, y:540});

// start loading for all sprites ABOVE
story.loader.onProgress.add((loader, resource) => {
    console.log("Progress: " + (loader.progress|0) + "%");
story.loader.load((loader, resource) => {
    console.log("All files loaded");

The loader is implemented with PIXI.Loader, see more API in TweenMax docs:

Action Plugin

Support to do .action() with TweenMax animation.


Animate by moving position:

sprite.action(props, duration, triggerPosition);

Animate immediately:

sprite.act(props, duration);
  • props: (json) See the Vars of
  • duration: (number)
  • triggerPosition: (number) move to where to trigger the animation, default: (position of this sprite)
import StoryScroll from 'storyscroll'
import {act, action} from 'storyscroll/action';

// Add a action to trigger by scroll to some position
const doubleAnimation = sprite.action({x:100, reverse:false, onComplete:function(){
    sprite.act({alpha:0}, .3);	// act animation immediately
}}, 3, 100);

The action is implemented with, see more API in TweenMax docs:

Projection Plugin

Support to do .sprite2d() with PIXI.projection.

import StoryScroll from 'storyscroll'
import {sprite2d, chapter2d} from 'storyscroll/projection'

// create a 2D sprite
const chapter2d = story.chapter2d({x:100, y:10});	
const sprite2d = chapter2d.sprite2d(require('./images/sprite_2d.png'),{x:900, y: 30, affine:'AXIS_X', factor:1})

Browser Support

StoryScroll aims to support all major browsers even in older versions:
Firefox 26+, Chrome 30+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 10+, IE 9+

About the Author

I am a creative coder based in Xiamen, China.

Learn more on my website or Follow me on Weibo


StoryScroll is dual licensed under the GPL.
For more information click here.


This library was made possible by many people who have supported it with passion, donations or advice. Special thanks go out to: Esone MacGhilleseatheanaich.