
Replace multiple substrings in a string in turn

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stringMultipleReplace from '';



Replace multiple substrings in a string in turn.

LICENSE npm-version npm

Replace all substring matches in a string with an mapping object that is table of replaceThis: withThis, and you can provide a sequencer to decide the order of replacement.


npm install --save string-multiple-replace


yarn add string-multiple-replace


const multiReplace = require('string-multiple-replace');

const input = "abcde";
const matcherObj = {
    "a": "b",
    "b": "c",
    "c": "d",
    "d": "e"
multiReplace(input, matcherObj, ["a", "b", "c", "d"]); // eeeee
multiReplace(input, matcherObj);                       // bcdee
  • Example-1
const multiReplace = require('string-multiple-replace');

const input = "I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.";
const matcherObj = {
    "brave": "cowardly",
    "trouble": "escape"
const sequencer = ["brave", "trouble"];
multiReplace(input, matcherObj, sequencer);
//I'm only cowardly when I have to be. Being cowardly doesn't mean you go looking for escape.

  • Example-2
const multiReplace = require('string-multiple-replace');

const input = "I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.";
const matcherObj = {
    "brave": "cowardly",
    "trouble": "escape"

multiReplace(input, matcherObj, keys => keys);
//I'm only cowardly when I have to be. Being cowardly doesn't mean you go looking for escape.


multiReplace(input, matcherObj[,sequencer])

The original string is replaced in turn according to the matcherObj, where sequencer determines the replacement order, and the existence state of sequencer determines whether the last operation overwrites the previous operation.


Type: string


A string to be processed.


Type: object


An object that represents a string replacement mapping.


Type: function, array


A function that takes the keys of matcherObj, and return an suquence array.

Upgrade Instruction: the existence state of sequencer determines whether the last operation overwrites the previous operation.