
Extracts chunks from possibly comma or whatever-separated string

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stringProcessCommaSeparated from '';



Extracts chunks from possibly comma or whatever-separated string


The latest version is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required. If your project is not on ESM yet and you want to use require, use an older version of this program, 2.1.0.

npm i string-process-comma-separated

Quick Take

import { strict as assert } from "assert";

import { processCommaSep } from "string-process-comma-separated";

const gatheredChunks = [];
const gatheredErrors = [];
const rawnbsp = "\u00a0";

// it's a callback-interface:
processCommaSep(`<FRAMESET rows=" ,,\t50% ,${rawnbsp} 50% ,\t\t,">`, {
  from: 16, // <- beginning of the attribute's value
  to: 35, // <- ending of the attribute's value
  separator: ",",
  cb: (idxFrom, idxTo) => {
    gatheredChunks.push([idxFrom, idxTo]);
  errCb: (ranges, message) => {
    gatheredErrors.push({ ranges, message });

assert.deepEqual(gatheredChunks, [
  [20, 23],
  [27, 30],

assert.deepEqual(gatheredErrors, [
  { ranges: [[16, 17]], message: "Remove whitespace." },
  { ranges: [[17, 18]], message: "Remove separator." },
  { ranges: [[18, 19]], message: "Remove separator." },
  { ranges: [[19, 20]], message: "Remove whitespace." },
  { ranges: [[23, 24]], message: "Remove whitespace." },
  { ranges: [[25, 27]], message: "Remove whitespace." },
  { ranges: [[30, 31]], message: "Remove whitespace." },
  { ranges: [[32, 34]], message: "Remove whitespace." },
  { ranges: [[31, 32]], message: "Remove separator." },
  { ranges: [[34, 35]], message: "Remove separator." },


Please visit for a full description of the API.


To report bugs or request features or assistance, raise an issue on GitHub.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Roy Revelt and other contributors

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