
Node module for searching multi-line string using regex

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stringSearch from '';



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Node module that carries out regex search on given multi-line string and returns match information.


string-search finds and returns match information for each match.

  • Accepts a multi-line string and regular expression in string format.
  • Searches the given string with provided regular expression.
  • Returns a promise that eventually resolves to an array. The array contains match objects each having following attributes -
    • line - line number(s) that the matched result was found on.
    • term - the search term.
    • text - the entire line(s) that the matched result was found in.

Getting Started

Install with NPM - npm install --save string-search


var stringSearcher = require('string-search');

stringSearcher.find('This is the string to search text in', 'string')
  .then(function(resultArr) {
    //resultArr => [ {line: 1, text: 'This is the string to search text in'} ]


stringSearcher.find(targetString, regex)

Name Type Argument Description
targetString string <required> target string to be searched. Can be multi-line(can contain line breaks).
regex string <required> a string in regular expression format to search.

Returns promise that resolves to an array of objects containing following attributes -

Name Type Description
line integer line number that the matched result was found on.
term string The search term
text string the entire line(s) that the matched result was found in.


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.


Heavily inspired by lineder. I needed file reading part separated from text searching part so that a file can be read only once and multiple searches can be carried out on it. I also used promise to return results instead of a callback.


Copyright © 2015 Omkar Patil

Licensed under the MIT license.