
Adds support for singleline comments in CSS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stripCssSinglelineComments from '';


Overview Build Status

Adds support for singleline comments in CSS, by stripping them away.

 * OOCSS-style Media block
.media {
  // TODO

.media > .mediaImg {
  float: left; // TODO add clearfix
  // margin-right: 1em;
  margin-right: 10px; // Use pixels for now

 * Brand image as background
 * Note: Uses protocol-relative url (`//`).
.brand-bg {
  background: url('//') no-repeat center

 * OOCSS-style Media block
.media {

.media > .mediaImg {
  float: left; 
  margin-right: 10px; 

 * Brand image as background
 * Note: Uses protocol-relative url (`//`).
.brand-bg {
  background: url('//') no-repeat center


npm install strip-css-singleline-comments

var strip = require("strip-css-singleline-comments")
var stripSync = require("strip-css-singleline-comments/sync")



var strip = require("strip-css-singleline-comments")


The above is a bit like:

sed <input.css 's#//.*##' >output.css

The difference is that strip-css-singleline-comments does not alter regular /**/ comments as well as single- and double-quoted strings.

It is intended to be used with CSS, but can be used with anything where you want to remove //-style comments and it makes sense to make the above exclusions.

strip() returns a through2@1 stream.

There’s also a sync interface:

var stripSync = require("strip-css-singleline-comments/sync")



For example usage with gulp, please see the first task in [gulpfile.js][gulpfile.js].


This module also ships with a really simple CLI program.

strip-css-singleline-comments <input.css >output.css

Source maps

strip-css-singleline-comments does not break source maps, because it neither adds nor removes any lines, and only modifies lines at the ends.


On my machine, stripping all singleline comments from all .less files in [bootstrap] takes about 340ms. You can time it yourself by running:

gulp bench-prepare && time ./strip-css-singleline-comments <bootstrap.all.less

There’s also a benchmark available, which reports around 514 ops/sec on my computer.

The benchmark also compares with strip-css-comments, and on my computer it seems to be about 7 times slower. I don’t know how fair that comparison is, though, because:

  • strip-css-comments does not do the same thing, only something similar: It strips valid CSS block comments.
  • There are not that many block comments in the .less files used in the benchmark. On the other hand, there are lots of singleline comments.

To run the benchmark: npm run bench.


The X11 (“MIT”) License.