
Cycle.js driver that uses React DOM to render the view

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stumpReactDom from '';


Cycle ReactDOM

Cycle.js driver that uses React DOM to render the view

  • Provides a driver factory makeDOMDriver
  • Contains hyperscript helper functions, like in Cycle DOM
npm install stump-react-dom


import xs from 'xstream';
import {run} from '@cycle/run';
import {makeDOMDriver, div, h1, button} from 'stump-react-dom';

function main(sources) {
  const inc = Symbol();
  const inc$ ='click');

  const count$ = inc$.fold(count => count + 1, 0);

  const vdom$ = count$.map(i =>
      h1(`Counter: ${i}`),
      button(inc, 'Increment'),

  return {
    react: vdom$,

run(main, {
  react: makeDOMDriver(document.getElementById('app')),



Returns a driver that uses ReactDOM to render your Cycle.js app into the given container element.

Hyperscript helpers

Import hyperscript helpers such as div, span, p, button, input, etc to create React elements to represent the respective HTML elements: <div>, <span>, <p>, <button>, <input>, etc.

The basic usage is div(props, children), but some variations and shortcuts are allowed:

  • div() becomes h('div')
  • div('#foo') becomes h('div', {id: 'foo'})
  • div('.red') becomes h('div', {className: 'red'})
  • div('') becomes h('div', {className: 'red circle'})
  • div('') becomes h('div', {id: 'foo', className: 'red'})
  • div(propsObject) becomes h('div', propsObject)
  • div('text content') becomes h('div', 'text content')
  • div([child1, child2]) becomes h('div', [child1, child2])
  • div(props, 'text content') becomes h('div', props, 'text content')
  • div(props, [child1, child2]) becomes h('div', props, [child1, child2])
  • div('', props, [child1, child2])
  • etc

There are also shortcuts for (MVI) intent selectors:

  • div(someSymbol) becomes h('div', {sel: someSymbol})
  • div('') becomes h('div', {sel: 'inc', id: 'foo', className: 'bar'})
  • div('inc', props) becomes h('div', {sel: 'inc', ...props})
  • div('inc', 'text content') becomes h('div', {sel: 'inc'}, 'text content')
  • div('inc', [child1]) becomes h('div', {sel: 'inc'}, [child1])
  • div('inc', props, [child1]) becomes h('div', {sel: 'inc'}, [child1])
  • etc



Add the following to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.jsx?$/,
      loader: 'babel-loader',
      options: {
        plugins: [
          ['transform-react-jsx', { pragma: 'jsxFactory.createElement' }],

If you used create-cycle-app you may have to eject to modify the config.

Automatically providing jsxFactory

You can avoid having to import jsxFactory in every jsx file by allowing webpack to provide it:

plugins: [
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    jsxFactory: ['react-dom', 'jsxFactory']


Add the following to your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "react",
    "jsxFactory": "jsxFactory.createElement"

If webpack is providing jsxFactory you will need to add typings to custom-typings.d.ts:

declare var jsxFactory: any;


import { jsxFactory } from 'stump-react-dom';

function view(state$: Stream<State>): Stream<ReactElement> {
    return state$.map(({ count }) => (
            <h2>Counter: {count}</h2>
            <button sel="add">Add</button>
            <button sel="subtract">Subtract</button>


Please ensure you are depending on compatible versions of stump-react and stump-react-dom. They should both be at least version 2.1.x.

yarn list stump-react

should return a single result.


MIT, Andre 'Staltz' Medeiros 2018