
Stylelint shareable config used by MASSIVE ART

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stylelintConfigMa from '';



CircleCi npm Size Install Size

Stylelint shareable config used by MASSIVE ART.


To make use of this config, install this package as development dependency of your project:

npm install stylelint-config-ma --save-dev


Create a .stylelintrc config file:


    "extends": "stylelint-config-ma"

Version Update & Publish to NPM

1. Create release on github

Update package.json version on master branch:

git checkout master
git pull origin master
npm version [ major | minor | patch ] --no-git-tag-version
git add .
git commit -m "Release <version>"
git push origin master

Generate changelog:

github_changelog_generator --future-release <version>

Copy the text of the last release into and get new release.

2. Publish release

git fetch --tags
git checkout <version>
rm # else it will be published with it
npm pack --dry-run # check that no unnecessary files are packed
npm publish