
A stylelint plugin to disallow bootstrap css properties

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stylelintDisallowBootstrapProperties from '';



A Stylelint plugin to disallow bootstrap CSS properties.


  1. If you haven't, install stylelint:
npm install stylelint --save-dev
  1. Install stylelint-disallow-bootstrap-properties:
npm install stylelint-disallow-bootstrap-properties --save-dev


Add stylelint-disallow-bootstrap-properties to your stylelint config plugins array, then add the rule to the rules list. The rule from stylelint-disallow-bootstrap-properties need to be namespaced with plugin.

  "plugins": ["stylelint-disallow-bootstrap-properties"],
  "rules": {
    "plugin/stylelint-disallow-bootstrap-properties": true

What this rule does?

  a::before {}
/** ↑
 * This pseudo-element selector */

  a:hover {}
 * This pseudo-class selector */

This rule ignores:

  • CSS pseudo-elements i.e. those prefixed with a single colon
  • CSS pseudo-classes i.e. those prefixed with two colon
  • selectors that use variable interpolation e.g. ::#{$variable} {}
  • Media Queries that are 50px more or less than the breakpoints used on Bootstrap
  • Media Queries that are not max-width


boolean: true



The following patterns are considered violations:

a {
  display: flex;
div {
  display: block;

The following patterns are not considered violations:

div::before {
  display: flex;
a:hover {
  display: block;
div {
  color: red;