
A wrapper for Boom that allows to include error code for the frontend

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import superBoom from '';



Super-boom enhance the Hapi.js Boom package by allowing to add parameters in the body of the HTTP answer.


$ npm install super-boom --save

How to use

In your project file, include the package:

$ Boom = require('super-boom')({ origin: 'server1' }),

where the parameter are the optional default parameters (for now only origin is possible)

Boom.badRequest(httpCode, [message], [customCode], [parameters], [details])

In your code, you can now throw error like this:

$ Boom.customCode(403, 'This property already exist', "CUST_ERR_CODE", ['Some value', 'Blah'], { param1: 'blah', test: 2 }, 'server2');

The body of the HTTP answer should now look like this:

{"statusCode":403,"message":"This property already exist","code":"CUST_ERR_CODE","parameters":["Some value","Blah"], { param1: 'blah', test: 2 }, origin : 'server2' }


  • httpCode: http code returned by the server
  • message: a meaningful string that explain the problem to your users that only use your API
  • customCode: your application code (which is different from http code) that refer to the exact problem. This code can be plugged in a frontend dictionary.
  • parameters: array of strings to be plugged in the frontend dictionary with the customCode
  • details: an object that can contain anything. Sometimes, you want your API to return additional details that can be used by the frontend.
  • origin: the service or server who emitted the error