
📼 Supertape simplest high speed test runner with superpowers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import supertape from '';


📼 Supertape NPM version Build Status Coverage Status


Tape-inspired TAP-compatible simplest high speed test runner with superpowers.

📼Supertape written from scratch after messing a lot with tape, it willing to be compatible with it as much as possible. and has a couple differences. It contains:

  • ability to work with esm modules (take a look at mock-import for mocking).
  • shows colored diff when test not equal or not deepEqual;
  • produces deteiled stack traces for async functions;
  • as many only as you wish;
  • ability to extend;
  • smart timeouts for long running tests 🏃‍♂️(configured with SUPERTAPE_TIMEOUT);
  • more natural assertions: expected, result -> result, expected, for example:
t.equal(error.message, 'hello world', `expected error.message to be 'hello world'`);

Doesn't contain:

  • es3 code and lot's of ponyfills.
  • aliases, methods list much shorter;
  • throws, doesNotThrows - use tryCatch, tryToCatch with equal instead.


npm i supertape -D


Usage: supertape [options] [path]
   -h, --help                  display this help and exit
   -v, --version               output version information and exit
   -f, --format                use a specific output format - default: progress-bar/tap on CI
   -r, --require               require module
   --no-check-scopes           do not check that messages contains scope: 'scope: message'
   --no-check-assertions-count do not check that assertion count is no more then 1
   --no-check-duplicates       do not check messages for duplicates

Environment variables

  • SUPERTAPE_TIMEOUT - timeout for long running processes;
  • SUPERTAPE_CHECK_DUPLICATES - toggle check duplicates;
  • SUPERTAPE_CHECK_SCOPES - check that test message has a scope: scope: subject;
  • SUPERTAPE_CHECK_ASSERTIONS_COUNT - check that assertion count is no more then 1;
test('tape: error', (t) => {
    t.equal(error.code, 'ENOENT');

🤷 How to migrate from tape?

You can convert your codebase from tape to 📼Supertape with help of 🐊Putout, which has built-in @putout/plugin-tape, which has a lot of rules that helps to write tests. Here is result example.

ESLint rules

eslint-plugin-putout has rules for 📼Supertape:


To simplify supertape core operators located in separate packages, called operators:

Here is a list of built-int operators:

Package Version
@supertape/operator-stub npm


There is a list of built-int formatters to customize output:

Package Version
@supertape/formatter-tap npm
@supertape/formatter-fail npm
@supertape/formatter-short npm
@supertape/formatter-progress-bar npm
@supertape/formatter-json-lines npm



The assertion methods in supertape are heavily influenced by tape.

const test = require('supertape');
const {sum} = require('./calc.js');

test('calc: sum', (t) => {
    const result = sum(1, 2);
    const expected = 3;
    t.equal(result, expected);

or in ESM:

import {test} from 'supertape';
import {sum} from './calc.js';

test('calc: sum', (t) => {
    const result = sum(1, 2);
    const expected = 3;
    t.equal(result, expected);

test(name, cb)

Create a new test with name string. cb(t) fires with the new test object t once all preceding tests have finished. Tests execute serially.

test.only(name, cb)

Like test(name, cb) except if you use .only this is the only test case that will run for the entire process, all other test cases using tape will be ignored.

test.skip(name, cb)

Generate a new test that will be skipped over.


Extend base assertions with more:

const {extend} = require('supertape');
const test = extend({
    transform: (operator) => (a, b, message = 'should transform') => {
        const {is, output} = operator.equal(a + 1, b - 1);
        return {

test('assertion', (t) => {
    t.transform(1, 3);


Declare the end of a test explicitly.

Generate a failing assertion with a message msg.


Generate a passing assertion with a message msg.

t.ok(value, msg)

Assert that value is truthy with an optional description of the assertion msg.

t.notOk(value, msg)

Assert that value is falsy with an optional description of the assertion msg.

t.match(actual, pattern[, msg])

Assert that pattern: string | regexp matches actual with an optional description of the assertion msg.

t.notMatch(actual, pattern[, msg])

Assert that pattern: string | regexp not matches actual with an optional description of the assertion msg.

t.equal(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that, expected) with an optional description of the assertion msg.

t.notEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that !, expected) with an optional description of the assertion msg.

t.deepEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that actual and expected have the same structure and nested values using node's deepEqual() algorithm with strict comparisons (===) on leaf nodes and an optional description of the assertion msg.

t.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that actual and expected do not have the same structure and nested values using node's deepEqual() algorithm with strict comparisons (===) on leaf nodes and an optional description of the assertion msg.


Print a message without breaking the tap output. (Useful when using e.g. tap-colorize where output is buffered & console.log will print in incorrect order vis-a-vis tap output.)


const test = require('supertape');

test('lib: arguments', async (t) => {
    throw Error('hello');
    // will call with an error
    // will call t.end

test('lib: diff', (t) => {
    t.equal({}, {hello: 'world'}, 'should equal');

// output
- Expected
+ Received

- Object {}
+ Object {
+   "hello": "world",
+ }
